Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Summer Solstice Edition

Something that I genuinely enjoy even though it’s universally considered to be a terrible invasion of privacy is targeted advertising on social media. I find it absolutely fascinating, what social media thinks that I am interested in. I mean, usually they are correct; my advertising tends towards yoga gear and Peloton and plant-based foods, and […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Mayday, M’aidez Edition

If you have ever read The Handmaid’s Tale, you will remember that the code word for the underground movement was Mayday; Mayday originating from the French m’aidez, meaning “help me.” I, along with everyone else in the world, have Massive Pandemic Fatigue. My husband is at the apex of his very important work project that […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Pro-Aging Skin-Care Edition

It was my birthday this week! I love birthdays so much; mine, obviously, but also everyone else’s. I mean, it’s the day you came into the world, let us celebrate! And as I said in my last post, every day we are alive is a gift, every birthday we celebrate is a blessing, let’s have […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Cleaning Items That Are The Real Heroes Of The Pandemic Edition

I think we can all agree that household chores have taken on new importance during this pandemic. I like to have a clean and tidy home and that has been amplified by being at home all the time. It’s interesting to me, how different we all are in terms of cleaning preferences: not just products, […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Hearts and Chocolate Edition

Valentine’s Day is NOT a huge thing in our house. Actually, it’s not really a thing at all. I don’t think my husband and I have ever really marked the day in a romantic way, with the exception of me telling him I choo-choo-choose him and will he BEE my Valentine, complete with buzzing noises. […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Covid Hair, Don’t Care Edition

This is me in January 2020: And this is me January 2021: So apparently the key to growing out your hair is to STOP CUTTING YOUR HAIR. I’ll be here all week if anyone else is looking for brilliant pieces of advice. I did like the fluffy, bouncy part of having shorter hair, but honestly […]

Boyhouse Year In Review 2020

WELL! I don’t think any of us could have possibly predicted the year that we just had, in any capacity. I would like to think that we will never take things for granted again: our health, our ability to travel, our friendships and family, but human nature being what it is, there will come a […]