Archives for October 2010

Marital Strain

You just know with a title like that it’s going to be a juicy post.  On Modern Family – do you watch Modern Family?  It’s very funny. –  the other night, Claire was looking through the Tupperware and wondering how or why the containers and lids get separated.  Phil replied, built-up resentment, financial issues, met […]

And…we’re back.

Wow, was I just on vacation?  I have that weird, not-unfamiliar feeling that I was in a completely alternate universe many months ago, although we’ve been home for only a few days.  It’s funny how one day a person can spend hours in a complete state of relaxation, eating sublime food, walking on a beach, […]

Not Typical

With regards to my last post, my insane amount of early morning domestic accomplishments is definitely not typical.  Clearly I was experiencing some sort of crazy nervous energy burst and my only outlet was baking a cake at 7:30 in the morning; not something that occurs regularly.  Also not typical was the beautiful trip to Tofino, […]

Conversation at the Breakfast Table

Jake: Is today the day that Grandma is coming for a sleepover? Me: No, that’s tomorrow. Both boys, in unison: Awwwwww! Me: Remember, Mom and Dad are going on Thursday, we’ll be gone all day Friday, then we are coming back on Saturday. Mark: Can you come back on Sunday instead? So apparently they are […]

Crazy, I’m crazy for feeling this way…

My in-laws were here for a visit this weekend, and they brought with them fresh-picked apples and Concord grapes, and for someone like me who lives in a place in which fresh, local fruit is limited to crabapples and Saskatoon berries, this gift was most gratefully received.  I’m mowing through the produce at an unbelievable […]

I think I know a little something about people throwing words around.

Yesterday was one of those very good days when everything was going well, the weather was gorgeous, and I was in one of those moods in which I get unreasonably excited about such things as the grocery store having asparagus and strawberries on sale, not to mention those Roasted Tomato and Basil Triscuits, which are […]

I guess they were deprived, after all.

One of the things I love about having my own little family is the ability to make traditions.  It’s like when one becomes a parent, one has the magical power to carry on family traditions, or not, so when we had to cancel our Thanksgiving trip this weekend due to illness – which was fortunately short-lived […]