Archives for September 2009

Dummy Jimmy Too Tall has a friend!

Two friends, actually. I wanted to write a nice, thoughtful post today but here is what is on my mind: 1) It’s my dad’s 60th birthday this weekend. I have to run out today and get a gift but he is a man and he is 60. He just doesn’t need anything. I guess it […]

Two postings in one day? I’m excited – I have something up at Yummy Mummy – check it out!

Fall Follies

So our September summer now appears to be emphatically over, so it’s time for me to put away those t-shirts and bring out my vast array of black, grey, and charcoal sweaters. Yes, I did make a distinction between grey and charcoal. I’m not a huge fan of fall, perhaps because it begins and ends […]

Canadian Hero

Mark ran in his very first Terry Fox run yesterday. It was such a gorgeous sunny day and it was so inspiring to see the kids bringing in Toonies for Terry, running their hearts out, proudly collecting their hand stamps for each lap completed. Privately I looked at the size of the field and wondered […]

Heat Wave!

Alert! I am going to talk about the weather! I have become your grandma and I’m going to discuss the current weather conditions! We are having a heat wave! In Calgary! In September! It’s glorious, I tell you. Other than spotting my neighbour shirtless, it has been one lovely day. For one thing, we are […]

Sick Day

The thing about back-to-school is all the back-to-illness that seems to come with it. “Hey, Mom!” Mark said gleefully, “You’ll never believe it! The school has water fountains and I can drink from them whenever I want to!” For someone like me – and I say this without pride – the knowledge that Mark has […]


Saturday morning I saw my neighbours – a younger couple with no children – loading up their vehicle to go hiking in the mountains. I felt odd, like I was viewing some strange yet familiar ritual from another country that I used to inhabit. My husband and I used to head out nearly every weekend […]