Archives for January 2017

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl

This morning I heard Copacabana on the way home from yoga, and it set the tone for my whole day. I have been doing the merengue and the cha-cha all day, humming about yellow feathers in my hair and a dress cut down to there. At least I know all the words to Copacabana, which […]

If it’s not Scottish it’s crap.

I have been browsing through a Facebook page for a brand-new, just-opened-in-November, Mexican resort. On the page are the sort of reviews one might expect: terribly bitter complaints about some small bit of incomplete construction or a delay in service on opening week, complaints about having to walk fifty steps from the pool in order […]

January (read: unexciting) Weekend Update

I consider myself to be a fairly balanced person, but every time I turn on the news or open a social media site, I find myself twitching. It’s not just international shenanigans, either, it’s everything. I cannot even turn on the local news anymore. Sadness and frankly terrifying things seem to happen every moment, and I […]

Disney’s EPCOT: I’m sorry, but I’m just not into you.

I remember the dance unit in my Grade Seven gym class perfectly: we learned all sorts of arcane dance moves, like the box step, the polka, and the jive. That is not to say that it wasn’t fun to learn how to jive while listening to Jailhouse Rock, but it was information that wasn’t exactly pertinent […]

Uh oh! Looks like someone’s got a case of the Blue Mondays!

Welcome to Blue Monday, statistically the saddest day of the year. According to the professor who came up with the formula, this could be the bluest Monday on record due to well-known political events, along recent death of childhood heroes, which serve to remind us all of our own mortality. Well. I will say that I […]

Fear of Flying, and turning into a flower

Ninety minutes ago, I considered sitting down to write, but instead sat on the comfortable couch for a few minutes. I promptly fell asleep to the tune of Roomba noisily vacuuming my floors for me – welcome to the future, Mrs. Jetson – and the kids playing the loudest game possible downstairs. I could hear […]

Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Where I Connect With My Star Wars Alter Ego and My Longtime Muppet Love

Doesn’t everything feel a bit like a Herculean effort during the month of January? Yesterday morning was a feels like minus 32 with the wind chill kind of day, plus it had snowed overnight, sending traffic into one gigantic snarl, not that I’m battling traffic when I’m doing the school drop-off, but still. Just getting things done […]