Archives for November 2022

I Moustache You A Question

I had my hair cut this week – and, as a complete sidebar, it was the best cut I have ever had in my life and I have never before been so happy with my hair, in all of my 47 years of life – and the salon owner was there, as he usually is. […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The “It’s One Month Until Christmas Eve” Edition

Rex thinks he’s Santa! ONE MONTH UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE YOU GUYS!!! November has been simultaneously been flying and crawling by. Time lost all meaning during the pandemic, and I still find myself confused by the calendar. One moment I will be thinking It’s November 24 already! Next week is December! and the next I will […]

Very Random November Observations

Everybody Dance Now The other day Gonna Make You Sweat came on while I was working out, and I realized that I cannot hear that song without immediately picturing the dance scene in Old School. That movie is stupid and problematic, and neither the story nor the timeline make any sense, and yet I will […]

A Thursday In The Life Of Nicole

I often think that I am a bit of a nosy, snoopy person, as I just love reading little tidbits from people’s lives. That’s what blogging and social media are, aren’t they, a fun peek into others’ lives? I love it all, from the minutia to the grand sweeping stories. Lately I have been seeing […]


Last week I received a complimentary “New Puppy Package” from the vet, despite the fact that Rex is not a puppy, and in it was a stuffed squeaky toy. As I paid for the visit – and the lice treatment, ew David – the vet unpackaged the toy and gave it to Rex to play […]

Three For Thursday: The One Month Rex-aversary Edition

Today marks one month since the day Rex came into our lives; within only a day I couldn’t imagine NOT having him in our lives. He is an incredible gift to our family and has been a source of unmitigated joy and happiness. Every morning I wake up thinking “We have Rex!” Thinking about seeing […]

Sudden Season Shift

This is the time of year when my friends in milder climates are talking about crunchy leaves, and the beauty and splendor of fall, and meanwhile, we are in full-on winter! The Weather hit November 1, which felt very appropriate for Tiny Secret Festive Season. Temperatures plummeted to the minus double-digits, a ton of snow […]