Archives for February 2011

Disneyland should sell booze.

The kids were thrilled that we were going to Disneyland; so was my husband, who had never been before.  I was somewhat less excited given my mild crowd phobia and not-so-mild germ phobia, especially when I realized we were going to be there on President’s Day.  Eeek!  I was prepared for crushing anxiety and feelings […]

I’m Back and I’m Stylish!

I was vacationing in California for ten days, escaping the frigid cold back home.  However, since cold follows me like a puppy, temperatures were far below normal in Palm Desert and Anaheim, where I was.  Almost everyone I et commented on the absurdly cold weather, but since it was still comparable to an average ten days […]

It says "Let’s BEE Friends!" And there’s a picture of a bee on it.

This weekend was our neighbourhood’s annual outdoor party, complete with skating, tobogganing, and barbeque, and by some incredible good fortune, the weather was very mild, making it a perfect day.  Mark built a snowman with his dad: I’m basking in the glory of a snowman, whose existence I did not assist in. Cute, right?  Until […]

Hey hey, it’s almost Valentine’s Day

Just in case you didn’t know, Valentine’s Day is only three days away!  Everywhere I turn, I hear that this year, this entire weekend is being referred to as Valentine’s Day Weekend.  So happy Valentine’s Day Weekend, everyone!  If my husband does not buy me a dozen red roses, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and […]

"Wow, you’re way cooler than my mom!"

One of the characteristics of a stay at home mom is the propensity to wear jeans on every occasion.  Ultimately, though, those jeans wear out and one may find oneself splitting a knee wide open on one’s cozy faded pair while kneeling on the hardwood, attempting to extract many Lego pieces from under the couch, […]

Speaking of commercials…

How about that Superbowl?  Actually, the only commercials I saw were for local businesses and upcoming shows on CTV, since – for reasons that I truly do not understand – the network tapes over all the blockbuster commercials and instead runs their own.  As you can imagine, this is the source of much agitation in […]

Wherein I lose my zen talking about Nutella.

I spend many, many hours a week thinking about food.  I spend hours grocery shopping and putting away groceries, hours preparing meals and cleaning up after meal preparation, hours baking bread and muffins and cookies, hours slicing up fruit and vegetables for school snacks.  I spend a lot of time planning what the kids are […]