Archives for December 2015

2015 Boyhouse Year in Review

It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2015! It was a good year at the Boyhouse, and although I lead a pretty ordinary life, it seems like there’s always something popping, as the kids say. Here are the highlights of 2015: January We never quite see ourselves as others see us, and I am no […]

Clean all the things!

How have your holidays been? Mine have been a lovely mix of sloth and good food, along with my usual post-Christmas frantic cleaning and reorganizing. All last week I hardly worked at all, and then I fell into the Christmas cheer. We visited with some of my husband’s family on Christmas Eve, and if they […]

I see your Elf on a Shelf, and I raise you a group of snowmen on the bathroom counter

After a fairly warm fall/ early winter, the world is suddenly covered with a thick blanket of snow and very, very cold. It looks very pretty and of course the children are delighted with the festivity of fluffy snow a week before Christmas, but on Wednesday I had an early-morning spot on the news and I […]

Snap back to reality

Oh, you guys, it is SO DARK. It’s still a week away from the shortest day of the year, and the sun rises at 8:32 and sets at 4:28. There has been low-lying cloud and fog, and the other day I went to pick the kids up from school at 3:30 and the streetlights had […]

My Orlando break from reality

Here’s a fun way to lose weight and tone up those legs: walk 72 kilometers in 5 days. That’s what I did this past week, on my trip to Disney World and Universal Studios. I’m going to just come out and say it: we have taken the kids on lots of trips, and this was […]

One of these days these feet are going to walk all over you.

I found out that Billy Idol just turned sixty this week, and when I mentioned my surprise to my husband, he was nonplussed. “Why wouldn’t you think he’d be sixty?” he asked. “His big hits all came out in the early 80s.” That wasn’t what I meant, though. It wasn’t that I couldn’t believe his […]

Chocolate and no more moustaches

This week has been frantically busy and it’s only Tuesday. Actually, it’s only 6:30 in the morning, on Tuesday, but it feels like it should be at least Thursday. Not to mention it’s December 1; I feel simultaneously like it’s still mid-November but it’s also almost Christmas, so it’s confusing to be in my brain […]