Archives for March 2011

I’m used to nice things!

I had a plan to write a really funny post about how yesterday’s Costco trip destroyed my faith in humanity, but my neighbour restored it; and how the entire city suddenly got over their collective seasonal affectedness disorder because the sun came out and the temperature got above freezing and this was the actual, number […]

Soccer Moms: not just about tracksuits anymore.

So, after a flurry of activity this weekend, I am much more in control and not so sad, despite the fact that it is still snowing.  Still snowing.  It’s been a week now of snow, blowing snow, and the sky matching the snowy, snowy ground.  Someone who lives in a much, much nicer climate than […]

The Apocalypse? Or PMS?

Yesterday I was so blue and everything seemed bleak and grim: my legs ache and hurt constantly, there are unspeakable tragedies all over the world, I need to do the soccer scheduling, I have to write an article for the community newsletter, the sky is grey, it’s been snowing for five days, it’s cold and […]

Wordless Wednesday: My Lucky Number

Spring has sprung!

Well, not really. I grew up here and March is not, to me, a spring month.  It’s a WINTER month.  My birthday is in late April and that is when spring begins for me, which is not to say it won’t snow after said birthday, but it’s spring snow, rather than winter snow.  Big difference.  […]


Do you believe in serendipity?  And I don’t mean the movie, which was fine and all but lady, let me give you a hint here: if John Cusack asks for your phone number, don’t write it on a five dollar bill or in a random book or throw it away.  GIVE HIM YOUR DAMN NUMBER.  […]

It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  I set out green shirts for the boys to wear this morning, saying “Better wear your green or the leprechauns will pinch you!”  Jake sighed heavily.  “Mom, leprechauns don’t EXIST.”  Ah, the magic of childhood.  My children may not be enamoured with the magical, but they are enamoured with science, as […]