Archives for September 2018

Reach out and touch someone

This is a thing that actually happened at Superstore this week: behind me, unloading her groceries, was a mom with a small boy, around aged two, eating one of those free cookies the bakery gives any child under 12. Behind HER was an older lady, who started talking to the little boy, seated in the […]

Let them eat really pretty cake

In case you were waiting on the edge of your seat, yes, I did survive the seven-hour-ten-teen-boys birthday party on Saturday. More than that, it was probably the lowest-maintenance and most-enjoyable birthday party ever given in my house. Literally all I did was provide food; the boys entertained themselves very easily. What they did I […]

It’s Apple Season! And Snowman Season!

Ah, fall. The season of colourful leaves, crisp air, apples, and this: Snow! Well, to look on the bright side, it’s just a dusting. I feel like the world is divided into two kinds of people: those who love and embrace summer with all their hearts and souls, and those who do not. People in […]

One Thousand

Can I Get A Witness I can hardly believe this, but this is – get ready for it – my ONE THOUSANDTH POST. One thousand posts. Can I get a medal or something for this? Very few people old-school blog anymore, but I am glad to have this diary of my life over the past […]