Archives for September 2010

My Dog Is Fat

Yesterday on the “news” – Breakfast Television – I saw the following headline: Pediatricians say parents turn a blind eye to childhood obesity.  I know that it is a serious and sad issue, but I rarely think about childhood obesity, as I have the opposite problem; my kids are very, very skinny.  They are countable-ribs, […]

Feed a Cold

One of the first things that happens to me when I am not feeling well is I lose my appetite.  The less I eat the worse I feel, and then the less I feel like eating, so it’s a weird downward spiral.  This morning I woke up feeling worse than ever, and after a walk […]

Back to the germ factory.

Does anyone else have the typical back-to-school cold? School germs work fast. No one in our house has been sick for at least five months, but a couple weeks into September sees us down with a cold. Although it is a pretty minor cold – the boys have had it and recovered quickly – it’s […]

Too Much Stuff! Or, why you should consider a charity birthday party.

A little while ago, my best friend mentioned that her daughter had attended a “charity” birthday party, in which the birthday child had requested donations to a charity in lieu of gifts. This struck me as brilliant. I’ve always wanted to have a big birthday party with lots of guests, but I didn’t want to […]

I have a bad case of the Fridays!

Which is to say I’m kind of tired. It has been a long and disjointed week, ending with the kids out of school today due to parent/teacher interviews. My husband was out of town for a couple of days, which always makes for a long, disjointed week. When he told me he was going out […]

Hey, check out the guy who’s FIVE.

Those were his first words to me this morning. I should teach him the old “What has two thumbs and is FIVE today? This guy!” We baked cookies to take to his class yesterday. They turned out not too bad, considering I was frosting them and Jake was in charge of sprinkles. I wrote about […]

Hardwood, birthday prep, smoking

Pictures! Hardwood! Don’t worry, they are G-rated. My husband also painted that lovely burnt orange colour this weekend. The remainder of the house has yet to be painted – and I’m anxious to get the kitchen painted, as its current yellow clashes weirdly with the orange – and baseboards have yet to be repainted and […]