Archives for December 2012

The little lights are not twinkling

Because they have been taken down!  Today, taking advantage of the reprieve from minus twenty degree daytime highs, my husband and I took the outdoor lights down.  Well, actually, he took the lights down.  I held the ladder and shuddered as little frozen bits of leaves fell from the eaves and got stuck in my […]

You’re going down, bitch.

Well hello, my friends.  I hope you have been making merry in the past few days.  It has been so frigidly cold here, but I’m kind of glad – it gives me an excuse to be extremely lazy and slothful.  Kids in their jammies into the afternoon?  Well, why not?  We’re not going anywhere in this […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: Holiday Edition, part 2

Part 2 is finally here!  As is winter break; the kids are off school, it’s minus a billion outside, and I have nowhere to be and nothing particular that needs to get done, so I’m drinking Bailey’s and coffee and listening to Christmas carols.  Festive!  Without further ado, I present the random things I love […]

Pajama Jeans, Moose Mugs, and Strange Viruses

Probably because I had So Much To Do and Remember with regards to Christmas, various school spirit days, the casino fundraiser, and other random things happening this week, I got terribly sick on Sunday.  That will teach me!  I had a strange virus that presented as severe abdominal pain and a fever, and also narcolepsy.  […]

Preserve Your Memories

Yesterday, I was going to write a post.  It was going to be lighthearted, and would describe the rabbit hole I fell down while looking at old photos of the boys, ending up watching old home videos and crying in the manner of Clark Griswold locked in the attic.  “Mama go yo-yoga!” impossibly chubby, not […]

I’m singing! And I’m in the post office. And I’m SINGING!

Hey, what has two thumbs and just made it in and out of the post office in less than five minutes?  THIS GIRL.  I had to mail a package to my in-laws – because I’m such a fabulous daughter-in-law – and I was psyching myself up for total mayhem and trauma.  I was even ready […]

Come and trim the Christmas tree with some decorations (not) bought at Tiffany’s

I am feeling SO FESTIVE right now, and not just because this was the lovely wintry scene when I walked the dog the other day: Look at his adorable snowy face!  As I mentioned before, December is one of my favourite months even though when I hugged Jake today he complained of my icy cold […]