Archives for October 2015

All work and no play make Nicole scream at telemarketers

Last November 1, my husband took the kids to Walmart and for about $100, came home with a minivan-load of Halloween-themed exterior decorations. You all know me, come November 1 I’m really more of a Buddy the Elf girl, and so I didn’t really pay much attention to what they had purchased. You guys, my […]

Maybe Pumpkin Spice Potato Chips really are a thing.

You know those moments in parenting where you just don’t know how you got here, and you just can’t believe this is happening? I had one of those yesterday when Jake came home from school, completely excited about this cool new game he wants to get called Dungeons and Dragons. I just don’t know where […]

Frankie Says Relax, Van Halen Says It’s 1984

Last night when my husband was watching football and doing what we have been doing for the past 78 days – flipping the channel when a political commercial came on, which was approximately every ninety seconds – it occurred to me: after tonight, no more political commercials. My god, this entire campaign has been very bad for […]

Just keep swimming…

YOU GUYS. It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here. We took a four day weekend to see my in-laws’ over the Thanksgiving holidays, which was great, except that I had one day after returning home to get my bearings, and then leave for Toronto. I flew out of Calgary Wednesday morning, and then flew […]

Is this day thermal-spray-worthy? Probably not.

Remember the Seinfeld episode where the contraceptive sponge was discontinued, and Elaine stocked up on them but had to screen each of her potential sexual partners to ensure that they were worthy of a sponge? I’m having that issue right now, but with hair products. I haven’t written a “Nicole’s Favourite Things” in a while, […]

My new identity

Back when the kids were small, I wondered what would happen when they started school: would I be bored, or would I find things to do? It turns out that once they started school I was the opposite of bored; I started volunteering a crazy amount at the school and working from home part-time, and […]