Archives for September 2011

State of Wonder, Gifts, My New Unpaid Career

Here’s a little piece of advice: if you are a stay-at-home mom whose children are in school, and you are worried about how to spend your time, try signing up for numerous volunteer commitments, each of which isn’t too time consuming on its own, but when added together fill all your days with unpaid busyness.  […]

Charity Birthday Parties, or the post where I have strong opinions about birthdays

I frequently look at my house and feel like I’m drowning in stuff.  I’m not even talking about Mark’s extensive “rock collection” (“Maybe we should get him a rock polisher for Christmas!” my husband suggested cheerfully, to my horror – how many MORE rocks would we then have in the house?).  I’m not talking about […]

Save the drama for your mama.

I try to write quality posts and occasionally I try to write beautiful posts and yesterday I checked my statistics to see why, specifically, people visit this blog.  Is it my views on parenting, on mindful living, on good karma and kindness? Here are some of the popular search terms that have been used to […]

Mullets and Me

Just the other day I saw a woman, who was about my age or a little older, wearing skin tight acid wash jeans.  I looked at her for a minute, trying to decide if this was a new trend and that is what the young folks are wearing these days, or if she had been […]


For his birthday, my sister-in-law and brother gave Jake a number of easy-reader books, some featuring his new favourite character, Finn McMissile.  Jake picked them up and read them to me, only needing help on a few of the words.  What a smart little boy, I thought.  He is a smart boy.  He can read […]

It makes me just feel like crying, baby, ’cause baby, something beautiful’s dying.

“There’s a new Tim Hortons commercial that’s going to make you cry,” my husband called from the living room.  “I’ve already seen it AND cried this morning.”  I replied.  Oh, Tim Hortons and their tear-jerking commercials.  Years after it first aired, my husband can still say, stiffly, “I come watch” and I will tear up.  […]

And now we are six

“This is the greatest day of my life!” Jake said this morning.  “I got Finn McMissile toys and I learned how to button up my pants!”  He stood on one foot for a minute and added thoughtfully,  “I don’t really feel older though.  I could still stand like this when I was just five.”