Archives for August 2012

Padme and Anakin and the Five Languages of Love

Getting right into the year 2005, I watched Revenge of the Sith on the weekend.  Here’s a little piece of advice: do not watch the violent end of a movie minutes before leaving the house to attend a led primary practice.  You will feel all shaky and NAMASTE, BITCH.  Related: it’s very, very awkward when, […]

A Farewell to Foggy

The boys and I had been planning a trip to the zoo today, with my mom, for the past week.  It would be our last zoo trip of the summer, and so Jake was especially excited to see his favourite animal, Foggy the hippo.  When I say “favourite animal”, I mean that Jake felt that […]

Death by Shapewear; Nicole’s Favourite Things, Back-to-School Edition

I was watching the news the other day and there was a story about how wearing shapewear, such as Spanx, excessively could lead to infection, blood clots, and death.  Death.  By shapewear.  I’m sure there are more humiliating ways to die, but at the moment I cannot think of any.  As my friend Rachel said, you […]

Landslide’ll bring you down

“I have a feeling you’re not going to do well when the kids leave home,” my husband said to me today.  My parents took the kids to their place at the lake, and when they left the dog – who is me, but in canine form – flopped on the floor, dramatically whimpering.  The dog […]

The Skinny on Being Skinny

Last week, in what can only be described as an incredible burst of energy – of gittin’ ‘er dun – I made pre-back-to-school appointments for the children to see the doctor, dentist, and optometrist.  I’m not sure what this says about me as a mother, but I’m always very anxious prior to any kind of medical/dental […]

Adventures in Boyland

I’ve been reading the boys all the Little House books, in order, since they became interested in settlers and whatnot after reading Little House on the Prairie at school.  Their favourite was On the Banks of Plum Creek, what with all the plagues and Pa getting lost in a blizzard at Christmas and Laura getting a […]

You put the meaning in my life, you’re the inspiration

I’ve been blogging for a while now, and I am still blogging for the same reasons I started: for a creative outlet, to ensure my mind didn’t atrophy from and to make connections with other moms and writers.  I feel like I’m part of a blogging community, which is very cool.  You, dear reader, read what I […]