So I’ve been blue, due to a number of factors, the most pressing being disappointment over not being offered a writing contract that I had my heart set on. I’ve been in mourning about it, wallowing and eating all manner of bad things, and reading my most favourite comfort book, Diary of a Provincial Lady. […]
Updates and a meme!
I feel like I, perhaps, left my dear readers hanging; I will make amends by updating you on the goings-on in the Boyhouse. 1) Mark has been using an inhaler for a week, and he has NOT COUGHED FOR A WEEK. Happy coincidence? Related: I have been sleeping uninterrupted through the night. Not once have […]
Moose versus Caribou: The Untold Story
Yesterday was what I will call a trying day. My choice of activity for the gloomy day was not great: I decided to take the boys to the mall to buy four – FOUR – birthday gifts, and while there we stopped by the pet store to look at the various rodents for sale. Much […]
Sloth and the Splash Pad – Summer of Awesome
We have been on summer vacation for one week and we have turned into a slothful people. This is why I don’t register the kids in any organized activities; we are too busy being completely lazy every morning to get anywhere. I’m in my sweaty yoga clothes, drinking coffee and accomplishing nothing, until finally showering at 10:00, […]
Friday the 13th, and Privilege Problems
I just realized, now, that it is Friday the 13th! Maybe that explains things, and by things I mean my state of crossness and irritability, although I really think that my attitude is more likely attributed to my lack of sleep and excessive worry due to my son having pneumonia, rather than the date. I […]
Pneumonia! It’s pneumonia!
So it turns out that Mark has pneumonia. Pneumonia! Here’s a tip for you: if you are ever feeling a little low on the mother guilt factor, try sending your child to school with pneumonia. Mother guilt deficit erased immediately. I was speaking with my elderly neighbour about Mark’s chest x-rays, and she cheerfully replied, “Just […]
Cheerful thoughts for a crappy weekend
It has been a dull, dreary weekend. It started for me at 6:20 am on Saturday when Mark woke me up with the words no one likes to hear, “Mom, I feel like I’m going to barf.” Fortunately no barfing ensued, but unfortunately he spent the weekend feverish, lethargic, and without an appetite. Then the […]