What kind of monster have I become?

It’s a beautiful autumn day here in YYC! Did you just cry a little?  Yeah, me too.  Less than two weeks ago, this was the scene: Jake, climbing our tree, wearing shorts.  Not shown in this photograph is the total heart attack I was having and trying to conceal.  “Wow, honey, you’re a really great climber!” […]

Cupcakes, shopping, and Junior Mints

I am pleased to report the happy news that there have been zero barfing incidents since the first day of school.  Although, writing that, I just broke out into a cold sweat thinking that I just jinxed everything and now my children will be up all night barfing.  Cue the Stevie Wonder riffs.I really, really […]

Whiskey and cigarettes

My husband and I are currently halfway through Season Five of Mad Men.  The thought that we are almost at the end is filling me with great sorrow.  We discovered this show a few months ago, and have ravenously watched it from the first season, some evenings watching two or three episodes in a row.  […]

A few of HIS least favourite things.

My kitchen is done!  My kitchen is done!  I was feeling a bit concerned yesterday, and the day before, when a somewhat comical series of events took place that made the flooring installation take a full day longer than anticipated (“Hm.  Well.  This is going to complicate things.” the flooring guy said more times than […]

A Whirlwind of Boring Activity

I have been in a whirlwind of activity the past few days.  A whirlwind, I tell you!  Since Friday I have had more errands and social outings than I probably do in two weeks.  I would describe them in detail but I fear that may be boring, and I fear it may also be less […]

Barkley, the high maintenance dog

“Oh, you’re the worst kind.  You’re high maintenance, but you think you’re low maintenance.” – Harry Burns, and/or my husband. Every day, I set out two sets of clothing for the following day: my yoga clothes, and my regular clothes.  I need to set out my yoga clothes in order to dress quietly and sneak […]

Psst. Wanna come see my basement?

Oh!  You guys!  It has been so exciting around the Boyhouse this week!  Not just because I’m going to be rich, rich, rich from the class-action lawsuit for Nutella (not really).  Not just because it’s raining so hard that I think soccer practice MAY be cancelled for tonight (I hope).  Not just because of the […]