Cold, Cold, Cold, Warmer, HOT

Cold As Ice We are in the midst of a cold snap around here, but I use that term very loosely. It’s more “cold” than COLD, or even Cold, but still, it’s the most winter we’ve had all year. I took the opportunity to look out my snow pants and heated mittens, and I’m winning […]

A New Kind of Yoga Challenge

It’s that time of year where people are making all sorts of goals; specifically, it seems, health and wellness goals. I miss teaching yoga, a little, at this time of year because my classes always had some enthusiastic and curious new students. I really loved it, introducing people to yoga and specifically introducing them to […]

Don’t Worry About A Thing Because Every Little Thing Is Going To Be All Right

Let Your Love Flow Like A Mountain Stream Last week I was channeling Miley Cyrus, this week I am all about Bob Marley. It’s been a very busy, very productive week, and – to also channel Melissa Manchester – I think we can make it. Friends, this is going to sound like the most Out […]

Hippy-Dippy Goals; Ninety-Four Weeks In

Happy New Year! As I mentioned in my 2021 roundup, the year ended – and the New Year started – on kind of a low point. The boys were supposed to be going back to school tomorrow, but on December 30 it was announced that winter break would be extended to the 10th, and January […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Cleaning Items That Are The Real Heroes Of The Pandemic Edition

I think we can all agree that household chores have taken on new importance during this pandemic. I like to have a clean and tidy home and that has been amplified by being at home all the time. It’s interesting to me, how different we all are in terms of cleaning preferences: not just products, […]

Lockdown, Redux; Thirty-Seven Weeks In

Double Up The D I am a person who feels very strongly about the benefits of various vitamins and dietary supplements, and if you are a person who, like my dad, thinks that AT BEST such items are useless and a waste of money, not to worry. I am not going to try to sway […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Sweat, Baby, Sweat Edition

This is the truest statement I have ever seen. It’s this week! This week is summer! Celebrate! Calgary gets approximately 5-10 days of warm weather per year – and by “warm,” I mean above 25 degrees Celsius – and those 5-10 days are not always consecutive. Once the temperature hits 25 – and let’s recall, […]