I feel like I must be mere minutes away from the start of my ladies’ holiday, given my current state of stabbiness. It is a good thing for the world that I am not walking around with a knife tied to a broomstick, a la Peggy OIsen, elsewise everyone I encounter today would find themselves […]
Archives for 2013
Super Quick Friday Randoms
1) I’m going on a girl’s night away tonight, and I seem to be experiencing equal parts excitement and guilt over leaving. I texted my husband “I miss you” and he replied “Already. It’s just a regular day.” Yes, it was ten in the morning and yes, normally it would be eight hours until I […]
Dogs and flowers and not much else.
Did you have a nice long weekend? Despite our original plans falling through, we managed to have a lovely one. We spent a night at my parents’ cabin – the “cabin” that is three times the size of my house and has twice as many bathrooms, which is my idea of camping – and played […]
Naked Shuffleboard
My weekend plans got kiboshed, and so yesterday I decided that since we were staying home, I may as well get a little bit of gardening done. It’s too early to really plant anything, I thought to myself, So I’ll just get a couple of really hardy plants. I walked into the garden centre and […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things – Spring Edition!
It was such a long, cold winter, wasn’t it? Snow on the ground from October solidly through April, but I tell you this: May has been absolutely stunning in YYC. I keep expecting snow in the forecast every day, or at least hard frosts, and yet it’s been warm and beautiful. It feels like spring, […]
I AM living life to the fullest, dammit.
My friend Nan came across the “50 Ways To Live Life To The Full” on the Daily Mail site and described her reaction to each of those 50 ways. I don’t know, I kind of feel like I’m living life to the fullest right now, given that I had popcorn for lunch instead of my […]
Sweep, sweep, hurry, hard!
You won’t believe it, but it has been actually hot here the past couple of days. Not just warm, but HOT. It’s beautiful. Nothing teaches you to carpe diem like a hot day in Calgary. It’s like the whole city is well aware that such a gift may not ever happen again, and so everyone […]