
I find it interesting that there will be concepts that I take at face value for my whole life, and then I hear another point of view, which changes that concept forever for me. These are all things that I have taken for granted as meaning one thing - … [Continue reading]

A Week of Fall Outfits

Thank you all for your very sweet comments and well-wishes about Rex! He is a pure joy and has settled into our household so nicely. I do not know how I got so lucky, but I did, and I am so very grateful. As I am sure all of you know by now, I … [Continue reading]

Big News, Literally

As many of you already know, a huge - literally - thing to be thankful for arrived on, appropriately enough, Thanksgiving Monday. Meet Rex! This is a good reminder for me to never say never. I never thought I would ever have another dog. I … [Continue reading]

First Step

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope all my Canadian friends are enjoying this holiday Monday, and I hope you all - Canadian and beyond! - have had a beautiful weekend filled with delicious food and lots of love. I have so very much to be thankful for, not … [Continue reading]

All Creatures Great and Small

It has been quite the week! We just got back yesterday from a whirlwind visit to my mother-in-law; we flew in on Friday morning and were home yesterday before noon. I am a wee bit exhausted by this; I am used to having weekends being more … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Wake Me Up When September Ends Edition

Okay, September ends tomorrow, but I kind of feel like I could sleep until then, right now. How boring is it to say I'm tired? Very boring, but here we are. It's been a hectic week and it's not going to get less hectic for a few days, but my son gets … [Continue reading]

Life, Unstaged and Unfiltered

A couple of weeks ago I was at a farewell party for friends of ours who are relocating to the States; we had a very interesting conversation about what it's like to buy a house from afar, and also about selling and listing a house in today's market. … [Continue reading]