Nicole’s 300th Episode!

It’s my 300th blog post!  If this were a sitcom, I would totally make this a clip show.  As it is, I looked back through some of my archives and discovered the following things: a) I write a lot about being insane and germ-phobic, b) I talk about the weather as much as someone who […]

All the cool kids are doing it!

And so will I – a Year in Review.  Yes, I know it is the sixth of January and most year in reviews have already been posted, but I was far too busy writing about people who eat toilet paper and watching When Harry Met Sally. So what happened in 2010 over at the Boy […]

Bad Wife!

I spent much of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday doing a yoga workshop with Kino MacGregor, an amazing woman, and if yoga happens to be your thing, and she is doing a workshop near you, GO. GO TO IT. Even if it happens to coincide with a holiday for your baby daddy. It was a fabulous […]

Stitches and Disney and Snow in Late May

This is a photo of my backyard this morning: What’s that on the ground? SNOW! And what are all those buckets in the background? They are covering up my poor, non-frost-tolerant flowers that I planted on Tuesday. And why would I plant non-frost-tolerant flowers prior to June in Calgary? Because I am stupid, evidently. I […]

No. I don’t like Pina Coladas.

Music. It speaks to us. It’s like when you fall in love for the first time and you listen to “What a Wonderful World” and you identify with every single lyric – I DO see trees of green AND red roses! – and then maybe you break up with that love and you hear “Against […]

First Snowfall

This morning I woke up to sweet peas that looked like this: Snow!Mark was the happiest person in the city. He couldn’t believe his luck. That kid loves the winter. It wasn’t long before he was outside shoveling off the deck, and then eating the snow (check out my poor hostas). Jake was soon persuaded […]

Post-Birthday Depression

I knew today would be a bad day. I wonder if that is a self-fulfilling prophecy? I mean, if you think a day is going to be bad, does that mean that karmically you are making your day bad? I’ve been reading this interesting book called “How Yoga Works” and it talks about sowing seeds, […]