Lazy pants and life mottos.

You guys, did you know Ashley Madison was a thing? I always feel badly for hacked websites but I had no idea this was a thing and I am as shocked as a little old lady learning for the first time about Brazilian bikini waxes. They do what? The boys now have a two week […]

In the spring, an elderly woman’s thoughts turn to rage.

It’s that amazing time of the year when the sun is still out when I go to bed (granted, this isn’t that late) and the sky is lightening up when I go to yoga at 5. The drive home at 6:25 requires sunglasses, the sky is blue and the mornings are calm. The wind picks […]

Bringing Happy Home

I flew in from Maui yesterday and boy, are my arms tired! Sorry. I’m still pretty tired from a) flying the red eye on Monday night and b) dealing with an overtired child who was too tired to sleep last night and then had nightmares every hour or so that I’m having that weird thing where […]

And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon.

Yesterday I was so melancholy; the summer was just so full of fun and sunshine and it felt, yesterday, like a plug had been pulled. Suddenly, it’s fall. Suddenly, it’s back to school. Suddenly, my children are all grown up with gangly limbs and giant teeth and floppy clown feet. Of course, none of this […]

Wardrobe Malfunction

In case you’re wondering how scintillating I really am, let me tell you about my recurring dream in which I am folding laundry. That is all that I do in the dream; fold laundry. Even my dream self gets bored as I patiently fold shirts, towels, etc., and sort them into neat piles. Sometimes I’m […]

Honey, I’m Home!

I’ve had nearly two weeks of vacation – here, there, and everywhere – and I’m basking in the feeling of accomplishment that can only be achieved by unpacking everything, starting laundry, and grocery shopping. I am a person who needs to unpack immediately upon setting foot in the house. I get tense at the mere thought […]

Breaking News: Woman Finds Python In In-Laws’ Toilet, Says It Was The Best Visit Ever

The long weekend was so early this year! We drove out to see my in-laws, and witnessed the aftermath of so many avalanches and mudslides. There is something very unnerving about driving down the highway which is surrounded by piles of rocks, broken trees, and other debris. The water rushing out of random holes in […]