Good News/ Bad News The bad news is that, with the latest lockdown restrictions, lineups to get into Costco are back. The good news is that I was there right at opening and so the lineup moved quite quickly, and, more importantly, there are no shortages of anything that I could see. The fact that […]
Downward Spiral, Uphill Climb; Sixty Weeks In
There are a pair of woodpeckers in our neighbourhood, wreaking havoc and inflicting damage everywhere. One of my neighbours has a giant hole in his house stucco, at any time of the day you might hear the loud rat-tat-tat of a woodpecker on a chimney, and, this week, the pair decided to put our Manitoba […]
Dented Self-Esteem; Fifty-Nine Weeks In
That’s A Dent To The Self-Esteem I was asked if I wanted the seniors’ discount last week at Shoppers, so perhaps my skin-care routine isn’t working the way I had hoped. The worst part is that I didn’t even get the discount. After the woman said “Are we doing the seniors’ discount today?” in the […]
I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot; Fifty-Eight Weeks In
Thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes; it was a beautiful day. It was the rarest of Calgary spring days: warm and sunny, and without the gusting winds that often accompany warmer temperatures. I filled the day with all my favourite things, and had two slices of cake, and all is wonderful. Along with […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Pro-Aging Skin-Care Edition
It was my birthday this week! I love birthdays so much; mine, obviously, but also everyone else’s. I mean, it’s the day you came into the world, let us celebrate! And as I said in my last post, every day we are alive is a gift, every birthday we celebrate is a blessing, let’s have […]
Pro-Aging; Fifty-Seven Weeks In
I really hate the term anti-aging. I know it’s just semantics, really, but I hate it. What a ridiculous concept, anti-aging. We are all aging every single moment; as they say in Les Mis, at the end of the day you’re another day older. The only way to stop aging is to die, and I […]
Two Steps Back; Fifty-Six Weeks In
My older son gets terrible hay fever – May is the worst month for him – and although I’m hopeful that his outdoor-mask-wearing habit will help, I am fully stocked up on the allergy medications that, over the years, we have found to work for him: daily doses of Reactine, plus the Walmart store brand […]