A Medical Mystery

What’s the opposite of a hypochondriac? Whatever it is, I think I am one. I had my annual physical this week, and my doctor has started giving me the lab requisition prior to my appointments, so we can discuss the results together. I have never had any issue with my lab work with one exception: […]

Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe It’s Maybelline; 111 Weeks In

Very frequently, of late, I have looked into the mirror and noticed what I thought was mascara smudged under my eyes. Each and every time, I try to remove the smudged mascara only to realize that it is not smudged mascara at all: it is just my skin, and that is how it looks now. […]

Grumbles, Groceries, Good Things; One Hundred and Five Weeks In

WHY DO WE STILL CHANGE THE CLOCKS TWICE A YEAR I have been tracking my sleep on my Garmin watch since the New Year, and although I have no idea HOW my watch knows how much I sleep and how much of that sleep is deep or light or REM, it seems pretty accurate. I […]

Losing My Religion; One Hundred and Three Weeks In

A brief timeline of Covid-related happenings over the past six months, if you will indulge me: Fall: After “Open for Summer” which had all restrictions dropped, massive Covid outbreaks, ICUs are full, masks once again mandated, and vaccines required to go to restaurants, fitness classes, and entertainment venues. Mid-December: Gathering restrictions for (largely unvaccinated) children […]

A January Roller Coaster; Ninety-Eight Weeks In

Tomorrow is February! I simultaneously feel like it’s February, whee, already! and also that New Year’s was several months ago. I’m looking at the calendar, and the first of the month, with the taking down of the tree and the Fresh Start of New Year’s, feels like a fuzzy date eons ago. February! Is tomorrow! […]

Challenging?; Ninety-Seven Weeks In

Recently I’ve seen a lot of “ten year challenge” posts on social media, which is one of those strange phenomena of our time. A challenge, in my mind, is to be ninety-seven weeks into a global pandemic and to still get out of bed every morning, putting one foot in front of the other and […]

Boyhouse Year In Review 2021

Is it just me or was this year actually a decade? Well! I think at this time last year we thought the Pandemic At The Disco would be in the rearview mirror, and yet it is not. Currently we are going through our FIFTH wave, which is extremely disheartening and, at this point, makes me […]