Good News/ Bad News The bad news is that, with the latest lockdown restrictions, lineups to get into Costco are back. The good news is that I was there right at opening and so the lineup moved quite quickly, and, more importantly, there are no shortages of anything that I could see. The fact that […]
Dented Self-Esteem; Fifty-Nine Weeks In
That’s A Dent To The Self-Esteem I was asked if I wanted the seniors’ discount last week at Shoppers, so perhaps my skin-care routine isn’t working the way I had hoped. The worst part is that I didn’t even get the discount. After the woman said “Are we doing the seniors’ discount today?” in the […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Cleaning Items That Are The Real Heroes Of The Pandemic Edition
I think we can all agree that household chores have taken on new importance during this pandemic. I like to have a clean and tidy home and that has been amplified by being at home all the time. It’s interesting to me, how different we all are in terms of cleaning preferences: not just products, […]
A Year of Wonders; Fifty-Two Weeks In
I am absolutely a person who thrives on routine and ritual, and exactly one year ago my daily routines and rituals, like everyone else’s, were disrupted and destroyed. After a few weeks of muddling about, I created new routines and rituals that I have kept to this day. I wake very early in the morning, […]
Blue, Baby, Blue; Forty-Nine Weeks In
Last week I had one of those days wherein you wake up and everything seems absolutely unbearable. I felt absolutely despondent; everything seemed terrible, from the dishes in the drying rack to the never-ending laundry to the every day drudgery that never ends until I die. I went through my regular happy-cheerful-healthy morning routine and […]
Changing Mindsets; Forty-Seven Weeks In
I was at Costco a couple of weeks ago and something happened that hasn’t happened since February 2020. As I tried to decide if I needed two or three bags of a particular staple, I went with two, thinking I will be back here in a few weeks, I can get more next time. Did […]
Johnny, You’re A Cream Puff; Forty-Four Weeks In
Last week, after a month – or was it six weeks? There was the winter break in there somewhere – of at-home learning, the boys were back to actual, honest-to-god, in-person school. Only for four days though; Thursday – THURSDAY – was a day off for “virtual grade nine tours.” My neighbour, whose three daughters […]