DIY Hair Colour Update, With Digression About Biotin

Three weeks ago yesterday, I coloured my hair at home for the first time since the Nineties. The Nineties, guys. Prior to the pandemic, the last time I coloured my hair at home, I was wearing crop tops and high waisted denim shorts with belts. And now we live in a world where young girls […]

DIY Orthodontia; Seven Weeks In

On Saturday morning, my “Born to Run” playlist started with Crazy Train and It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (and I feel fine), and ended with Don’t Stop Believing, and it felt all very symbolic. Back when Calgary had the terrible flood in 2013, I remember a very strong feeling of […]

Extreme Laundry Area Makeover; Six Weeks In

We are adjusting. Or, we have adjusted. I feel luckier than pretty much everyone; my husband is still employed, my kids are old enough and motivated enough to do their distance learning lessons with minimal help from me, my kids get along with each other, we have a home gym, we are healthy, my parents […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Pandemic Birthday Edition

I love birthdays. I love my own birthday, of course, but I love other people’s as well. There’s no better time, in my mind, to make someone feel special than on their birthday. My Pandemic Birthday was on Tuesday – I’m 45! – and in the weeks leading up to it I was feeling a […]

Pandemic Hair Colour; Five Weeks In

Well, it couldn’t be put off any longer. God love you all for taking this pandemic opportunity to embrace your greys or revert to your natural colour but believe me when I say that this wasn’t a good option for me. For one thing, as anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time […]

Masks Are The New Lipstick

Do you like my new mask? My friend Tora (HI TORA) made it for me, and I’m so grateful. Even though I’m only getting groceries once a week, I was feeling weird about throwing away a mask every time. Does it seem strange to anyone else that only six or seven weeks ago we were […]

Excuse Me, I Moustache You a Question; Four Weeks In

Up until last Thursday, all three of the male members of the Boyhouse were sporting moustaches. These are Dark Days. They all just stopped shaving when they stopped leaving the house; I think my husband’s last day in the office was March 11 or 12, and the boys were last at school March 13, so […]