Remember that old Simpsons’ episode where Apu went without sleep for several days and then thought he was a hummingbird? I feel like that, except for the no-sleep thing. I mean, I haven’t been sleeping that well but I have been sleeping; during the daylight hours I have been flitting around exactly like a hummingbird, […]
Archives for 2013
The Third Dimension (of Top Gun)
It was pointed out to me that Top Gun – TOP GUN – is being re-released in 3D! This month, in an IMAX theatre near you! As thrilling as that may seem, I do find myself wondering if watching that (much beloved by me) movie in 3D on a huge screen would actually enhance the […]
February and Friday Happiness
It’s the first day of February! January is over, for those of you who had a case of the January blues. And here in Calgary, the weather today is unseasonably warm, the snow is melting, cars are filthy. This warmth is in sharp contrast to earlier in the week, when it was minus 37 with […]
Being a MILF
I was driving home from yoga this morning and I heard “You Shook Me All Night Long” on the radio, and it occurred to me – not for the first time – that the line “knocking me out with those American thighs” had much different connotation back in 1980 than it would today. American thighs […]
Oooh, I hated the Colonel, with his WEE BEADY EYES
After my last post, I had a few people grumpily say There is NOTHING good about January, to which I respond, sunnily, There is only a week left! One week and then we are into February! So there’s a positive thought for you, even if it is just time tick-tick-ticking away. Also, tomorrow is Robbie […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things, January Blues Edition
Last week I posted about being blue on Blue Monday, but today it was brought to my attention that TODAY IS BLUE MONDAY. But I was sad last week! I’m not sad today! How can it possibly be Blue Monday if I am not sad? I know. I know. It isn’t all about me. Maybe […]
Anyone else have a crush on Mike the hitman?
Wowza, it’s been quite a strange week. I was eyeing the bottle of wine on the counter, wondering if it would be acceptable to enjoy a glass before dinner; it’s a Friday after all, I spent ninety minutes standing in the playground this afternoon, my husband is working late as usual and what the hell. I […]