Archives for 2009

Mom Style

Hee hee. That title alone makes me laugh. Is there a less sexualized word than “mom”? Mom jeans. Mom hair. It conjures up an image that is not exactly…attractive. There are “yummy mummies” and “hot mamas”, but “moms”? Not sexy. “Soccer moms” might get the worst of it in terms of image, and I am […]

February’s Over, Yay!

There’s something about February, despite the shortness of the month, which makes it feel really long. Maybe it’s the arctic climate that does it, and the fact that it is still a really long time until spring. But nonetheless, here we are, in March! The weekend wasn’t much fun because I’m husbandless for the majority […]

Bitchy MacBitch

I was going to write a funny post about all the hilariously varied things you might find in my (or any other mother’s) cart at Wal-Mart – Spiderman party favours! Mini muffin pans! Sleeping pills! Sugar-free candy! Personal lubricant! Ziploc bags! – but my sense of humour is GONE, people. Gone. I am a bitch. […]


I’m not sure why we have toys in the house. Okay, I know why we have toys. However – and believe me, believe me, this is not a complaint – the kids’ toys are suffering from extreme neglect. And this is a good thing. It’s all about creative play around here these days; it’s great, […]

Vomit and lasagna

Last night we had some friends over for dinner. We had some great conversation, the topics ranging from the global economic situation to vomit. Yes, between bites of delicious spinach lasagna and sips of lovely cabernet, we discussed our children and vomiting. And that is how you know that we all have young children: our […]

The Obligatory Valentine’s Day Post

When I was younger, regardless of my relationship status, I had nothing but contempt for Valentine’s Day. “A stupid, made-up holiday created by the card companies – I don’t need a special day to say I love you” is one such witty, original thought you might have heard uttered by myself. This is along the […]

McSteamy of the Preschool

Yesterday was the preschool Valentine’s party, and it appears that Mark is the class dreamboat. I’ve never really liked Valentine’s Day – and this is definitely the subject of a different post – but I love the way young children celebrate it. I love choosing cards with the boys for them to distribute (Iron Man […]