Archives for 2009

The reason I’m turning out to be a bad soccer mom

It has been pouring rain all day, and it’s four degrees outside. The sky is dark, but I’m strangely happy…because that means that the soccer practice will be (OMG, hopefully) cancelled tonight! I hope. Every soccer night so far this year has been either a) freezing cold, b) incredibly windy, gusting up to 70 km/hour, […]

Monday morning, you sure look fine

You know the kind of Saturday evening where you nobly encourage your husband to golf nine, after all he is supportive of all your yogic pursuits, but after you pick the kids up from their afternoon birthday party they are insane with post-party excitement, birthday cake, and they unfortunately have received as party favours giant […]

Nicole’s Book Club

I don’t know what your favourite books are, but I can tell you what mine aren’t: Scooby Doo Early Reader Mysteries. I made a grave error in ordering a package of nine (nine!) from Scholastic Books and as a result have been reading the most boring, mind-numbing series of books that were ever written. Oh […]

My whining post

Here is what has been happening since my husband left for a business trip: I took the dog to the groomer’s, and found out his adult coat is coming in and matting with his puppy coat. Exceptionally fluffy dog is now shaved, and as a result is acting QUITE bizarre. I took both boys to […]

Mommy Makeover

Have you ever heard of a “mommy makeover”? There is a plastic surgery clinic in Los Angeles that caters to “mommies”. Remember my (strange, non-maternal) aversion to the word “mommy”? It is NOTHING compared with the revulsion I feel at the marketing towards mothers and the supposed dissatisfaction with a child-bearing body. Philosophically, I feel […]

Meme Deflowering

I was a meme virgin, but I was tagged by Beck (okay, I asked her to tag me). Here we go! 8 Things I’m Looking Forward To 1. Spring – it’s kind of here, many of my plants are starting to poke up. IT’S ABOUT TIME.2. Having a glass of wine tonight. But then, I’m […]


Hey, have you heard of this thing called the “swine flu”? No? I am having a strange time with all the coverage of H1N1. On the one hand, I feel like there is a teensy bit of panic and fear mongering going on. The reality is that 300 people die of the flu, the regular […]