The Years Are Short

What an incredible week it's been! Although I don't believe Mondays to be a portent of the week to come, last Monday night it poured rain, which settled the smoke in the air. We woke up to blue skies and sunshine, and the ability to take a full … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Scary Hair Affair Edition

If you have been reading this for any amount of time, you know that I am staunchly Pro-Aging, that I have been working to embrace my aging, perimenopausal body, and for the most part, I have succeeded. There is one thing, however, that has caused me … [Continue reading]

More Screaming Into The Void

Thank you all for your kind and supportive comments regarding my son's dental surgery. He is booked for the second surgery, and I was happily surprised to hear that it will take no more than twenty minutes under general anesthetic; I am still salty … [Continue reading]

Five For Friday: The Smoky Eye Edition

There are terrible wildfires north of us, and we have been experiencing immensely smoky air and extremely poor air quality. It has improved a bit over the week, but Tuesday was an absolute low point. We had intense, gusting winds and being outside … [Continue reading]

…And I Get Off On The Pain I Inflict

One way in which I have been preparing my little birdies to fly is to have them gradually take control of their own medical and dental appointments. Some medical professionals, such as our podiatrist, who, YES, we are still seeing six months later, … [Continue reading]

Bloody Hell

After such a cold April, May suddenly - and briefly - burst into summer. We had gorgeous sunshine and summer-like temperatures all last week, which had the happy result of warming up the community centre, so my yoga classes were taught in a … [Continue reading]

Yoga Talk

After years of dedicated practice, in 2016 I took yoga teacher training, and I have been lucky enough to be teaching consistently ever since. I have taught everything from vigorous, athletic Ashtanga to slow-moving restorative yoga; senior's yoga and … [Continue reading]