Nicole’s Favourite Things: The 48 Feels Great Edition

I had a moment of birthday-related epiphany this past week. When I was pregnant, way back in the day, every single change in my body was noted and celebrated by me. Every pound of weight gained, every change in my skin and hair, everything made me so … [Continue reading]

Birthday Weekend!

I am a person who likes to have little treats and things to look forward to every single day. Sometimes these treats are very simple parts of my everyday life, for example, when I wake up, I think "oooh, coffee," or "yay, it's pasta night!" I spend … [Continue reading]

Snow, Selfies, Sensitivities, and Segues

"I don't know how anyone can live in Calgary for any amount of time and STILL be surprised by snow in April," my son's podiatrist said to me, conversationally, as the snow flew sideways outside the window in the exam room. I agreed, and went further: … [Continue reading]

Maui Vacation Reading 2023

Part of my daily self-care process is carving out time in the day to read. I have always been A Reader, I always have a book on the go, and being on vacation is no different. I am a Very Early Riser and so I would sit on the lanai (I love saying the … [Continue reading]

Maui Encounters, Medical Emergencies, Mini Eggs

This week's post is brought to you by the letters M and E! I could say every post is brought to you by ME, I suppose, but let's separate the letters this week. In addition to the title, I could also add in Massively Exhausted. Whew, I don't think … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Here Today, Gone To Maui Edition

Aloha! I'm back from my digital detox which, as it happens, I took on Maui! What a fabulous trip. We have been to Maui several times, the last one being in 2016, and it was interesting to see that it has changed very little from that time. … [Continue reading]

Nicole Recommends

Toes and Tummy in the YYC It has been very Empty Nest-ish around here lately; my older son has been working a lot, happily, and in his spare time he's either at the gym or cultivating a social life. My younger son spent the weekend out of town … [Continue reading]