Happy Thanksgiving, all my Canadian friends. Although I’ve always thought that Thanksgiving is among the lamer of the holidays, given that I have never been interested in pie, turkey, or any of the usual turkey-trimmings-pie-fanfare. And yet, it’s always a good idea to be thankful for what one has. Right now I’m mostly thankful that […]
Well, hello there, stranger!
How have you been? I’ve been away. I just spent a week with my in-laws, and I ONLY have nice things to say. We had fabulous weather, we had lots of fun, and I discovered something about myself: I am naturally a rigid and rule-oriented person (this is not part of my self-discovery; I knew that already) but with […]
Whale Tail!
At first I was going to do a “Wordless Wednesday” post – does anyone still do that? I’m so hip to the scene – but then I realized that it’s Thursday, which is great, really, but probably means that “Wordless Wednesday” isn’t exactly relevant. Nonetheless, I was going to entitle it Whale Tail and then […]
Flying through the air with the greatest of ease.
Before we left on our trip, a friend of mine told me that her favourite part about any holiday is being on the plane, heading towards the destination, because at that point the trip is just beginning and all the fun is ahead of you. I agreed with the sentiment, but I can’t say the […]
Here Today…Gone To Maui
In case you were wondering where I’ve been, I just got home from two weeks in the paradise that is Maui. O-o-almost paradise! We’re looking on heaven’s door. Almost paradise! How could we ask for more? I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to meeeeee. I may be a little delirious since I flew […]
Oh, HAI.
Where, you may be wondering, have I been? Or perhaps you were not wondering that at all. In any case, I’m just back from a sunny vacation during which the following momentous events occurred: Jake went from a reluctant, life-jacket wearing child to one who jumped into the pool and swam across it without the […]
Twelve times twelve is one hundred and forty four.
Happy birthday Canada! To celebrate, I’m taking the kids to an amusement park with some friends, and I baked an angel food cake, to be eaten with whipped cream and strawberries. If there is anything more delicious in the world I would like to know what it is. It’s day three of summer vacation and […]