My friend, in reference to The Bachelor: “Who watches this shit?” Her husband: “The same people who keep with royalty.” The Bachelor, along with pretty much every other reality TV show, really is shit. It is a horrific concept: hundreds, maybe even thousands of women vying for a shot at dating/marrying a guy simply because […]
Yeah, me too.
Jake, in the car today: “It’s a good thing Tiger Woods is not MY dad.” Me: silence, trying to digest this comment while simultaneously wondering if watching the news around the children is damaging their psyches in some deep and troubling way. Jake: “Mom? Mom? I’m happy Tiger Woods is not MY dad.” Me, realizing […]
No. I don’t like Pina Coladas.
Music. It speaks to us. It’s like when you fall in love for the first time and you listen to “What a Wonderful World” and you identify with every single lyric – I DO see trees of green AND red roses! – and then maybe you break up with that love and you hear “Against […]
Sophia Loren and her "face"
Did anyone see Sophia Loren on the Golden Globes last night? Why, Sophia? Why? WHY? Why would a beautiful woman do that to herself? It is sad to me that our society, our celebrity-obsessed, reality television watching, air-brushed and photo-shopped society, is so obsessed with youth and so focused on the external, that a woman […]
You’re out of touch, I’m out of time
“Why do old people always talk about the weather?” I clearly recall asking my mother this question, probably flipping my spiral-permed hair with my mood-ring-adorned hand and rolling my eyes. Likely I was wearing a black Depeche Mode concert t-shirt with ripped jeans at the time of this comment. I couldn’t imagine why anyone would […]
Disjointed cinematic thoughts
“What is with your health?” my husband asked, watching me blow my nose for the hundredth time. “Maybe you need more protein.” I looked at him silently, then raised my eyebrows lasciviously, and burst into giggles. Because I am all grown up and mature like that. My sinuses feel like they are out to get […]
Happy Festivus!
This is not really a ranting type of blog. I’m not so much a ranting girl. But it’s Festivus! Grievances must be aired. I have a major grievance against people who send their contagious kids to school, or allow their contagious kids to be in confined public spaces with other non-sick children. Especially the week […]