Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Winter Pleasures Edition

We have had the most beautiful January: temperatures have mostly hovered around freezing, plus or minus five degrees, we have had barely any new snow or any wind, and most days have seen sunshine and blue skies. On the non-sunny days, we have had some hoar frost, which is just gorgeous. There is a polar […]

Very Random November Observations

Everybody Dance Now The other day Gonna Make You Sweat came on while I was working out, and I realized that I cannot hear that song without immediately picturing the dance scene in Old School. That movie is stupid and problematic, and neither the story nor the timeline make any sense, and yet I will […]

Three For Thursday: The One Month Rex-aversary Edition

Today marks one month since the day Rex came into our lives; within only a day I couldn’t imagine NOT having him in our lives. He is an incredible gift to our family and has been a source of unmitigated joy and happiness. Every morning I wake up thinking “We have Rex!” Thinking about seeing […]

All Creatures Great and Small

It has been quite the week! We just got back yesterday from a whirlwind visit to my mother-in-law; we flew in on Friday morning and were home yesterday before noon. I am a wee bit exhausted by this; I am used to having weekends being more restorative, and to be honest, I am a bit […]

Almost Paradise

Well, I have certainly had to hit the ground running after coming home from vacation! Note to self: the end of August is a busy time of the year. My older son, who is taking a gap year, starts his new job today, and my younger son starts school on Thursday, with the requisite day […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Carryon Only Edition

I have noticed throughout my life that whenever I secretly judge something, it always comes back to haunt me. I’m not talking about things I judge loudly, like not returning a shopping cart, but things I silently think that I will never do myself. I have long since abandoned such thoughts about parenting in particular, […]

Five For Friday: Nostalgia

WILMA! I’M HOME. I floored to see this display at Costco; I didn’t know that Fruity Pebbles still existed. I have never eaten them in my life, so I have no opinion on the taste or quality of the cereal, but it seems like such an incredibly dated item. I mean, The Flintstones? Is this […]