Summer’s Open?; Sixty-Seven Weeks In

Sixty-seven weeks! My friend Steph (HI STEPH) mentioned that at some point soon, she would stop using “Coronavirus Chronicles” in her blog titles, as she has been doing for – probably – sixty-seven weeks, and it reminded me that I, too, must consider when to stop the weekly count. The problem is, when? Do I […]

Summer Solstice; Sixty-Six Weeks In

All By Myself, No More As of Tuesday this week, the boys will be finished their final exams and this very strange school year will be in the rearview mirror. I am always pretty Landslide-y in June – another year gone, children get older, I’m getting older too – and even though it was been […]

The Opposite of Trendy; Sixty-Five Weeks In

This will be obvious for anyone who knows me or has read this blog for any amount of time, but I really love clothes and fashion. When I was a kid, I loved paper dolls so much; I loved all the different outfits slated for different activities, I loved dressing up their flat little bodies, […]

Embrace The Season; Sixty-Four Weeks In

You won’t believe it, but last week we had a heat wave! The term Heat Wave, by the way, is relative to Calgary – I’m sure my friends in the South would just call it a stretch of pleasant summer days – but it has made me so happy. I’m spending every available minute outside; […]

Three Teens In The House; Sixty-Three Weeks In

As of yesterday, I now have three teenagers in the house! Sorry, the photo is a little fuzzy. Every week that Barkley is still wagging and sitting at my feet as I make dinner is a good week. He’s pretty slow these days – his big lump trips him up quite a bit – and […]

Do You Want To Build A Snowman; Sixty-Two Weeks In

Today is the Monday of the Victoria Day long weekend, which is essentially meaningless to me. But not for long! Tomorrow the boys go back to school, and I am so happy about it. They’ve been coping just fine over the past five weeks, but it just feels so unhealthy to have them sitting in […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Mayday, M’aidez Edition

If you have ever read The Handmaid’s Tale, you will remember that the code word for the underground movement was Mayday; Mayday originating from the French m’aidez, meaning “help me.” I, along with everyone else in the world, have Massive Pandemic Fatigue. My husband is at the apex of his very important work project that […]