I have a confession to make that may make me unpopular or perhaps even shunned from the community. I’m going to take a deep breath and be out with it. Here it is, my dirty little secret: my house is always clean, neat, and organized. Now please stay with me a moment – this is […]
The Anti-Clean Plate Club
This morning the world is white and grey, snow falling and the colour of the sky perfectly matching that of the ground. Jake has the sniffles, my husband had a cortisone shot in his shoulder on Friday and hence has been rendered the one-armed man (wasn’t there a show about that?), I am running the book […]
Whale Tail!
At first I was going to do a “Wordless Wednesday” post – does anyone still do that? I’m so hip to the scene – but then I realized that it’s Thursday, which is great, really, but probably means that “Wordless Wednesday” isn’t exactly relevant. Nonetheless, I was going to entitle it Whale Tail and then […]
Post-Christmas Cleaning Binge
Did you have a good Christmas? I’m relieved to tell you that Mark recovered enough to enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, although he was somewhat exhausted by yesterday evening – but then, shouldn’t we all be exhausted by then? My mother mentioned yesterday that Mark is always sick at Christmas, which seemed incorrect to […]
PSA: Don’t be a dick.
Do you remember back in the day when you were trying to get pregnant, and it wasn’t happening very quickly, and everyone you knew was getting pregnant, and you were sad and frustrated and felt like stabbing every single person who asked “So when are you going to have a baby?” or who carefully examined […]
Yes, John Cusack too.
Okay, okay. I wrote my last post and then had an avalanche of people ask me WHY John Cusack wasn’t included. Even my husband – my husband! – read the post and asked why John Cusack wasn’t on the list. Here’s the truth: I forgot about poor John Cusack. Poor Lloyd Dobler. I blame the […]
So THIS is why people love the fall.
Happy Thanksgiving, my Canadian friends! I hope you had a lovely long weekend. I spent the long weekend at my in-laws’. Pause. I’m all about positivity, and so I will leave it at that and simply post this picture of me eating grapes. I seem to have my mouth full in that picture, either that […]