Summer’s Almost Gone; Seventy-Five Weeks In

I don’t think I can adequately describe the relief I felt when I received an email from the Calgary Board of Education, stating that not only would masks be mandatory for students K-12, but all other health protocols would remain in place. With the Delta variant of Covid cases skyrocketing, again, and the general mask mandate dropped in the province, I was somewhat concerned about in-person school. I just want my kids to go to school for the year, and maybe even see my oldest have a graduation ceremony, is that too much to wish for. But I was so happy to get the email about masking; masks kept us all so healthy last year – we’ve never had such an illness-free year – and with all of us fully vaccinated, I feel even better.

I was feeling less happy to see that school starts not on September 7, like I thought it did, but September 1, which means this is the last week of summer, I’m not ready. I am just not in the headspace yet, but I’ll get there, and meanwhile, our hot summer weather ended abruptly and now it’s cool and rainy and it feels like fall. The universe is trying to prepare me, is what I’m saying.

August is a month where I always feel a little glum and melancholy and Landslide-y, and the grey, chilly, rainy days are exacerbating those feelings. Well, these days are good for getting things done in the house – when it’s warm and sunny I spend most of my day outdoors, and there were a few things I really did want to get done before school starts (NEXT WEEK OMG) and I get back to teaching yoga and we are all busy with our fall schedules. Like making jam.

My husband reminds me that we have air conditioning, if I want to make jam on a warm day I can, but I never do want to do that. Jam making is for chilly days, I will die on this hill and also we have many months of chilly days, but few warm ones.

So Many Empty Boxes

One of the things I have wanted to accomplish practically since the pandemic hit was to clean out our storage/ furnace room. My husband, god bless him, likes to keep the original boxes of any electronic equipment while said equipment is under warranty, just in case there’s an issue. The problem is that he never gets rid of the boxes after the warranty expires, and therefore we have perfectly good storage shelves that are jammed full of empty boxes. We still had the PS4 box from Christmas 2014, for example, along with boxes for stereo equipment we no longer own.

Summer is coming to an end, the pandemic has been going on for seventy-five weeks, I go back to teaching in two weeks, IT IS TIME TO CLEAN OUT THE FURNACE ROOM. I took out every single box, rearranged everything, and was able to put all the bins full of childhood art and school projects, bicycle gear, and assorted sports things ACTUALLY IN THE STORAGE ROOM instead of behind my son’s drum set. He’s thrilled that he no longer hits his elbow on the bins when he’s practicing.

This is the van full of cardboard my older son and I took to the recycle depot, and doesn’t include the three garbage bags full of packing materials, RIP our earth, that came out of the boxes.

Not one day after The Big Cleanup, my husband – in a typical act of service to make my life easier – had ordered some new windshield wiper blades for my car. As he grabbed his keys for the garage, he said “Don’t throw out these boxes, just in case these blades don’t fit.” Dear reader. I answered him with a look only and, fortunately for our marriage and everyone involved, they DID fit and my husband subsequently recycled the boxes.

No YouTube Videos On How To Break In To Your House

Speaking of the garage, a couple of weeks ago older son went to get out the lawn mower, and couldn’t unlock the garage door. We typically lock the person door with just the knob, rather than the deadbolt, and while the key fit in the knob, it wouldn’t open. Obviously the automatic openers for the big car door were in the cars that were locked in the garage, and the keypad has not worked for years. My husband searched up YouTube videos but to no avail: all videos instructed what to do if you were locked INSIDE a house, rather than outside, because I guess YouTube doesn’t want to advertise how to break into someone’s home.

Anyway, it was either call a locksmith or actually break down the door, and we took the former option. We now have a garage door that locks by deadbolt only, in case such a thing should happen again. Unfortunately, we are all in the muscle memory mode of just twisting and locking the knob, and the number of times I’ve thought oh yeah, I need the key to lock the door over the past couple of weeks is extensive.

Burn Baby Burn

Remember how my son, after his braces removal, wanted to burn all his orthodontic elastics, and, failing that, his masks? This is what happened on the Annual Boys’ Camping Trip:

Pyromaniac dreams do come true, I guess. You are still going to need masks! I admonished him after seeing these photos, but he countered with a) it was just one mask, and b) that mask was unravelling anyway. Was it? Was it really? Well, he does have at least eight other masks, and it’s not hard to get masks now anyway, and what happens on the Annual Boys’ Camping Trip stays on the Annual Boys’ Camping Trip.

I Have Found My People

You all know how I feel about Thoreau and, also, many of the widely celebrated male authors/ fictional characters (Jay Gatsby, I’m looking at you). So I was so excited to discover this podcast:

The Fuckbois of Literature! If you, like me, think that maybe a person can’t claim to be self-sustaining while living intentionally in the woods when his mother is bringing him sandwiches and doing his laundry, then this is the podcast for you.

I’ll Take The Rapists For $500, Alex

On Peloton, people have the option to add a hashtag to their user profile, and those hashtags are used to connect with other people. Sometimes the hashtag has to do with a favourite instructor – I, for example, am part of the #yestoyoucrew and my son is a #denismenace – sometimes it concerns career choices, interests, or life in general, like #teachersofpeloton, #pelotonmoms, #peloforwine, #pelotonsingles.

I was riding the other day and the person on the leaderboard ahead of me had the hashtag #therapistsofpeloton and friends, it took me a really long time to realize that it was therapists of Peloton and not the rapists of Peloton. I spent some time being shocked that a) someone would cop to being a rapist, and b) there was a whole group of rapists, connecting through exercise.

In my defense, it was pretty early in the morning and I hadn’t yet drank my whole pot of coffee.

Outfit of the Week

I’m really glad I posted all those summery outfits, because SUMMER IS OVER and it’s time to pull out my jeans, socks, and long-sleeve shirts. This top dates from 2016, and I bought it in the small town where my parents live. Isn’t it cute? It’s great for this kind of weather as it’s too thin for winter, but great for a typical Calgary summer day!

The whole reason I have started the Outfit of the Week was to appreciate and express gratitude for my wardrobe; I am thinking about taking it off the blog and onto Instagram only, where outfits of the week belong. You all know I love clothes; I love reading fashion blogs and I love seeing Outfit of the Day posts. If you, like me, also enjoy seeing what people are wearing, you can check it out on Instagram. If you’ve hated my OOTW, lucky you! No more scrolling by to get to my weekly reading list.

Pandemic Reading List

The Soulmate Equation. I have read and enjoyed a few books from Christina Lauren, and this one did not disappoint. It’s just a very sweet and fun romance with very loveable characters. The main character is a single mom and freelance statistician (how often does that happen in a romance book, the statisticians are highly underrepresented in fiction) who is matched up with the founder of a DNA-based matchmaking company. Throw in her energetic seven-year-old and her romance-writer best friend, and you have got yourself a feel-good read.

Think Like A Monk. This book was so inspiring! As you know, I love the idea of living a peaceful and purposeful life, and this book deals with the kind of mindsets that work towards such an ideal. From feeding your brain positive material to finding your life’s calling, this book is full of wisdom and inspiration.

I discovered that I have a LOT of internal work to do. I enjoyed this book so much I started listening to the author’s podcast, and the first one I listened to had an interview with an absolutely lovely young woman, who spoke intelligently and with great enthusiasm about overcoming trials in life, the biggest being the death of her mother when she was a teenager. She was witty and smart and spoke about her work to empower young girls and women, and after the podcast I looked up the show notes to see who this remarkable young woman was. The link took me to her Instagram account, and people: if I had seen her Instagram first, I would have never listened to the podcast. I would have completely dismissed her as having nothing to say, and I would have been very wrong. It was a wake-up call that I need to examine my own biases as a person. Well, it’s a journey. We all have work to do.

And on that note, it’s Monday of the LAST WEEK OF SUMMER and although it doesn’t feel summery, I am going to embrace it. I hope you do too. xo


  1. I cannot accept that SUMMER IS OVER, I just can’t. Even though I’m in Fairmont and it’s about 8 degrees and three weeks ago at this time it would have been 27. I also dislike baking on warm summer days and love Wake Up to the JOy of you. The audio meditations on Apple Books are also lovely.

    Last weekend we went on a garage cleaning binge and threw out a sensor that tells the alarm if the door is open or closed. So now the alarm thinks the door is always open. Oops. Sometimes cleaning isn’t always the best choice!

  2. It’s still hot and muggy here, but I am cheered thinking that in two, three weeks tops, it will be over. September can be really nice here, warm but not oppressively hot.

    North goes back on the 30th. I think it will be good for them, and I, too, hope it sticks.

  3. I love your take on HDT. I thought the same thing when I was in college but kept it to myself. I love to break down boxes and make them all perfectly flat. That photo of the back of your SUV calls to me. 😁

  4. Definitely gonna request the Jay Shetty book from the library. My reading life has been mediocre this summer, not sure if it’s the books or my restlessness. Maybe Mr. Shetty’s guidance can help. Thanks for the rec!

  5. Rationally, I know that you are in a cold weather area – but the fact that you are wearing jeans, long sleeves and socks as I swelter in shorts if I head outside still floors me. The kids in our county started school today, so I guess technically summer is over…except for the weather.

  6. bibliomama2 says

    We’re still in a stifling heat wave here – I could stand for some jam-making weather to make an appearance. September 1st is TOO EARLY for school to start.

  7. Pat Birnie says

    Jay Shetty is so inspiring- he was a keynote speaker at my business’s virtual convention this past weekend. The only thing better than reading him or listening to a podcast is looking at those amazing eyes while he speaks! OMG the boxes – it would drive me nuts. My husband however doesn’t even keep receipts unless I seize them. He recently bought a $600 lily pad floating mat for our cottage, at Canadian Tire. It went on sale the following week for $100 off and he had no idea where he’d put the receipt…fortunately it was on our credit card receipt and they refunded the $100!

    Ps how MANY bananas does your family eat???!!!

  8. Where have I been? Ugh. So behind . . . but that’s OK because SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW. This would normally make me sad but this year I’m ready for it. We are in need of a schedule over here, among other things. Honestly just having 2 college kids go off to school has meant zero car juggling scenarios which has improved the quality of life immensely.

    I do love summer and I just got some grief for not making balsamic chicken and peppers in forEVER, but I was like MORE OF A WINTER MEAL, PEOPLE. Same with baking cookies – it was cool enough to bake over the weekend and I jumped at the chance.

    Love the outfit and will miss that segment here. I’m not an Instagram user. Somehow I still think I will get glimpses of your outfits from time to time.

    Coach isn’t necessarily into saving boxes, but can we talk about small or awkward pieces of wood? “Just in case” he needs it for the next project . . . um, the likelihood of that happening – if I were a betting woman . . . Sigh. I do love to recycle as much as possible and while the fam is not great at eliminating huge Costco boxes of cereal which irks me, it does give me great satisfaction to clear those boxes out of the pantry, flatten them, and toss them in the recycling.

  9. I’m sorry that your summer is ALREADY over! Whew, that was a quickie.
    I had to laugh at the ‘saving of boxes’. I’m the one who does that here and I just had to go through and recycle and (sorry earth) trash some stuff this past week.
    Loving the jam and laughing at the burning of rubber (elastics) and that ONE mask.

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