Archives for 2013

The only way out is through

Yesterday I was having a fabulous hair day, which is not something that happens frequently at the best of times, and especially not when it’s T-3 days until my appointment at the hair salon.  Generally, at this time in my hair cycle, my hair resembles a cross between straw and the fur on the old […]

In the wink of a young girl’s eye

I have heard “Glory Days” no fewer than five times in the past two days.  Is it a sign?  Perhaps the universe is saying something about my impending 20 year high school reunion.  Should I start reliving those glory days?  Perhaps don a baby doll dress to wear with army boots?  Spiral perm my hair?  […]

Be Happy, Moar Happyer

The kids are back at school this morning, and Mark’s class is in swim lessons this afternoon – the first time ever one of my children have had school swim lessons not in the dead of winter.  It’s a beautiful, sunny day; only a few tenacious and icy snow spots are left in the shady […]

Hippos and Spring

Important Boyhouse update for those of you who have been reading for a while: we visited the zoo yesterday for the first time since the tragic (for us) euthanasia of Foggy the Hippo.  There is a new hippo; his name is Ghost, courtesy of his Halloween birthday, and he is Foggy’s grandson.  I wasn’t sure […]

Spring Break! Put your (paint covered) hands up!

It’s only, technically, day two of Spring Break and it is the Most Exciting Spring Break Ever.  Yesterday I looked out the window to see a Canada Post truck parked in the middle of our road and a delivery man struggling up our sidewalk with a giant box addressed to me.  What is it, you may […]

Nine Feels Fine

Mark was born on our second wedding anniversary, after a pre-eclampsia diagnosis, a three week bedrest, minor panic, and a startlingly short labour.  I learned that not everything always goes as planned.   He was a seriously cute baby with super spiky hair.  I learned how to eat and cook one-handed.       He was a cheery […]

Come to think of it, Superman is a douche

There is this strange phenomenon I’ve noticed this winter: no matter what the weather is like at all other times of the day, it will surely become much, much worse at school pickup time. I’m not sure what it is about the 3:30-4:00 time slot, but lately it’s been nothing but gale force winds, snow, […]