Archives for September 2012


Well, dammit.  I guess I’m never watching Grey’s Anatomy again.  You know, I ALMOST stopped watching after Meredith’s near-death experience, and I ALMOST stopped watching when Denny had a recurring post-death role, and I ALMOST stopped watching when there was a hospital shooting – the swat team was right there, how did they not take […]

SANTA’S COMING (in less than three months)

Yesterday I kept hearing people say “It’s only three months until Christmas!” which got me to feeling like this: SANTA’S COMING!  Of course, in three months from today I will be either a) taking down the tree and packing up the decorations because that is ENOUGH Christmas, or b) wishing I was taking down the […]

Tony Romo and his huge boner

My husband was watching Sunday NFL Countdown, when I overheard the commentator say “Tony Romo had the biggest boner in NFL history.” Who uses the word “boner” interchangeably with “screw up” anymore? Or ever, for that matter? In any case this, for me, surpassed the golf commentator’s use of “stroking”, the football colour commentator’s use […]

Feeling the love

It seems we all have very strong opinions on skinny jeans!  I do feel that we should have learned lessons from the eighties.  I will say this, my very worst hair decision ever – and this is even worse than my 1985 mullet that my mom had home permed – was to cut my hair […]

Lucky Number Seven

It was Jake’s seventh birthday yesterday!  For the past week I’ve been reminiscing about my pregnancy and his birth: how I craved and ate a jar of Cheez Whiz a week, disturbingly enough; how I became a completely crazed hormonal being the day before going into labour, alternating between being annoyed at everyone in the […]

Batting 500

It all started when I read my friend Swistle’s post about behaviours that are “mom-ish” and behaviours that are “old lady-ish”.  For example, referring to youth as “young people today”, fumbling for change while the grocery store lineup expands behind, and so forth.  Swistle said, and I quote: “Have you noticed that each generation thinks […]

A touch of the mitten-tip

I have been reading the Little House series to the boys for a while now, and we are now almost finished that epistle of madcap gaiety, Little Town on the Prairie.  As opposed to the very depressing previous book, The Long Winter – everyone is going to die! – this book is full of exciting […]