Eight! Eight! Eight is Great!

Yesterday I was doing some things around the school (putting up posters asking for volunteers to help in the naturalization area.  Do you want to help?  No?  Yeah, neither does anyone else.) when I heard the kindergarten class singing their morning song.  It is a song familiar to me, since I heard Jake singing it all last year.  Hi there neighbour!  What do you say?  It’s going to be a HAPPY DAY.  It proceeded to wedge itself into my brain, supplanting Pinball Wizard (That deaf dumb blind kid sure plays a mean pinball!).
When my alarm went off this morning, I thought “It’s going to be a HAPPY DAY”, because not only is it my tenth anniversary – I did not receive any tin foil, sadly, but my husband did present me with a bouquet of my favourite Gerber daisies – but it is also Mark’s eighth birthday!  Nothing says romance like going into labour and delivery on your second wedding anniversary after being on bedrest for three weeks with pre-eclampsia and checking your own urine for protein twice a day! 
But it is a special and happy day in our house.  I have made a big gooey chocolate layer cake, there is the promise of TAKE OUT PIZZA tonight, and a nice bottle of red with my name on it.  Figuratively speaking.  The wine is not actually named Nicole.
Happy Birthday Mark!


  1. I hope he has a great birthday!

  2. Awa! Happy Birthday Mark!

  3. What a handsome, smiley fellow! Happy birthday Mark!

  4. Happy birthday!!!

  5. Cutie! Happy birth day to both of you. Also, there is a wine called Angus, so if you wanted to you could always drink a bottle of wine with my son’s name on it. Although, really, why would you want to, I guess. We frequently drink a bottle of it on his birthday.

  6. Am laughing so hard right now. They’re Gerbera daisies – and I know this because (a) they are also my favourite flower and (b) I also called them Gerber daisies for years. Gerber daisies are totally different – I think they’re made of baby food.

    Happy Birthday to your wee one who is not so wee anymore. I hope you had a wonderful celebration!

  7. They grow way too fast.
    Happy Birthday Mark 😉

  8. Happy belated birthday, Mark.

    I’ve GOT to ask: what is a “naturalization area?” Is this city-talk for “a park?”

  9. How is it that they can grow up so fast! Adorable.


  1. […] Boyhouse, and not just because I became nearly homicidal in the grocery store.  On a happy note, Mark turned eight, and I admitted to being totally […]

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