Archives for 2009

Today’s Date is 9/9/9!

I’m having one of those “It’s already Wednesday?” type of Wednesdays. Because, in addition to mooning about Jake’s birth, there is his actual birthday to prepare for, which is in six days, but also not one but TWO birthday parties this weekend, one of which involves eight children aged five and under and a clown, […]

Labour Day and Labour Stories – Part One

Jake’s fourth birthday is less than two weeks away, which has had me reminiscing about, appropriately enough, his birth. I LOVE birth stories, labour stories, pregnancy stories. I love hearing about them. If you want to share, I promise to be a rapt audience. I love the ordinary run-of-the-mill birth stories, the grisly birth stories, […]

The fat guy in the red suit

Mark and I were reading on the couch, and talking about superheroes and villains. “Of course, this is just a story,” I said, “Sandman is not real.” “Just like Santa Claus,” Mark replied. Startled, I looked down at him and he smiled his angelic, gap-toothed smile. I went back to reading about Spiderman and Sandman. […]

The store in Yellow Grass is actually called "The Store in Yellow Grass"

I just returned from a weekend in Estevan, Saskatchewan, celebrating my grandfather’s 95th birthday! The birthday itself was wonderful, such a joy for my grandparents to have so much family and friends around. It was great to see all of my cousins, who I see rarely, and many of whom now have families of their […]

The Kissing Hand

Today was Mark’s first day of kindergarten, signifying the end of summer vacation, the return of actual summer-like weather notwithstanding. I thought I’d be spending the last of vacation doing fun, outdoorsy things, but instead I spent it taking care of the boys who alternated between being lethargically, feverishly ill and incredibly rambunctiously healthy, but […]

The curse!

And no, I’m not talking about my ladies’ holidays. No, I brought the curse on myself. Last night, I said to Rob, “Isn’t it great, we haven’t really been sick since March? I mean, no one has really had a cold or anything. ISN’T THAT AMAZING???” Right after I said that, I immediately regretted it. […]

Photographic artistry!

I accidentally stumbled on a documentary about the “Octomom”. I lasted all of three minutes watching eight crying infants, a few tantruming toddlers, and some surly school-aged children. Hoo boy! That sure was awesome. Mark learned how to take pictures on our camera, and now every day he asks to use it. I uploaded the […]