Grumbles, Groceries, Good Things; One Hundred and Five Weeks In

WHY DO WE STILL CHANGE THE CLOCKS TWICE A YEAR I have been tracking my sleep on my Garmin watch since the New Year, and although I have no idea HOW my watch knows how much I sleep and how much of that sleep is deep or light or REM, it seems pretty … [Continue reading]

Two Years Of Pandemic At The Disco; One Hundred and Four Weeks In

I have been reading Keep Moving by Maggie Smith, and it's beautiful; I wish, though, that I had read it two years ago, at the beginning of the pandemic. It's perfect for Pandemic Life; for any kind of Life that has encountered loss, really. It was … [Continue reading]

Losing My Religion; One Hundred and Three Weeks In

A brief timeline of Covid-related happenings over the past six months, if you will indulge me: Fall: After "Open for Summer" which had all restrictions dropped, massive Covid outbreaks, ICUs are full, masks once again mandated, and vaccines … [Continue reading]

Marital Mismatches and Superpowers; One Hundred and Two Weeks In

It feels like I was JUST saying that February is tomorrow, and here we are, MARCH is tomorrow! February flew by; part of it was that it felt like Life Was Hectic, with wrestling tournaments and a new school semester and a five-day weekend thrown in … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The I Choo-Choo-Choose Me Edition

I am obsessed with the song i by Kendrick Lamar. Do you know it? When he heard me playing it and singing along, my son told me that i is on The Greatest Hip Hop Album Of All Time, which I didn't know, but which made me feel like this: Or maybe … [Continue reading]

A Week of Winter Outfits; One Hundred and One Weeks In

When you were a kid, did you have paper dolls or Barbies or those Mattel Fashion Plates? I sure did and I loved them immoderately. I loved the idea of different clothes for different activities; I loved putting together the outfits and imagining what … [Continue reading]

Valentines and Galentines; One Hundred Weeks In

Tomorrow is the big day, everyone! It's Half-Price Heart-Shaped Chocolate Day! I think I might pop out for a box of Ferraro Roche to take to my Thursday class, as they put up with my very dumb "archaeologists discovered a mummy covered in nuts and … [Continue reading]