Five For Friday: Nature, New Things, and No Soliciting

New Dishes. I have a very loose, "let's see how this goes" goal of making one new thing for dinner each week, or, trying one new recipe. These are two different things as I am notoriously poor at following recipes when it comes to dinners. I am … [Continue reading]

Summer: It Begins

Thank you everyone for your kind words and love on Barkley's passing. I miss him dreadfully and the house feels so strange, like something's missing. Probably because something is missing. Because I did a lot of the Dog Care and Maintenance, I am … [Continue reading]

Goodbye, Barkley

As many of you know, on Thursday we said goodbye to Barkley. Thank you to all of you who have already reached out to me with kind words and love; I read every single word and I appreciate each and every one of you. Barkley died exactly one month … [Continue reading]

A Hair Affair

I had a haircut last week, which is an infrequent enough occurrence that it merits a mention. It's hard for me to believe that, pre-2020, I had a professional cut and colour every five to six weeks. Looking back, it feels like that was a grievous … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Operation Fancy Lady Edition

About a month ago, I was able to watch my son perform at his school in a student-run short production. This production was the first on-stage production since before the pandemic, so I was pretty excited. As I waited for fifteen minutes after the … [Continue reading]

Look At Me, I’m Growing

All Is Well, I Hope First of all, thank you so much for all your lovely comments about my mysterious, asymptomatic ailment, but a special thanks to Erin (HI ERIN) for sharing her story and reminding us that yes, we should be vigilant on following … [Continue reading]

A Medical Mystery

What's the opposite of a hypochondriac? Whatever it is, I think I am one. I had my annual physical this week, and my doctor has started giving me the lab requisition prior to my appointments, so we can discuss the results together. I have never … [Continue reading]