Five For Friday: The Faces, Friends, Fire, and Family Edition

Nobody Panic. It was so fun to read everyone's responses to the dishwashing, face washing, cookbook post. The very next day, the Nobody Panic podcast released an episode called How To Wash Your Face, which made me wonder - do they read this blog? No. … [Continue reading]

Same But Different

Very often, I think about all of us in the world, how we are all going about our lives in ways that are both the same and vastly different. Isn't it incredible, in this big small world, that we are all bustling along, working away, caring for … [Continue reading]


Are You Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot! Since I got here, it has been one beautiful day after another; summer here is absolutely gorgeous. If I had even one day like this in Calgary - warm and sunny, windless and without storms - I would be frantically … [Continue reading]

Books, Books, Books: Moving Reading 2023

I have to tell you that I had a tiny bit of a breakdown this week. Well, maybe more than tiny, and it was book-related. The first thing that happened is that I discovered it will be a couple of months before I can get a library card here, as I do not … [Continue reading]

Gnome Sweet Gnome

In the last six weeks or so, I have listened to approximately one million podcasts, as I have been packing and cleaning and unpacking and DRIVING. It's gotten to the point where I am wondering if I am in an unhealthy parasocial relationship with the … [Continue reading]

Five For Friday: The “We Moved!” Edition

We did it! We moved! The house is almost entirely unpacked and organized and, relatedly, I am so physically tired. This may be as physically tired as I have ever been in my entire life. It would be an exaggeration to say that I have been on my feet … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Goodbye, Calgary Edition

Anyone who lived in Calgary in the 1980s will remember, probably with no little nostalgia, the Hello Calgary promotional video on Channel 2&7, back when there were only about thirteen channels. To this day I could sing the lyrics at any given … [Continue reading]