Holiday Reading and Roundup 2023

Happy New Year! The house has been deep cleaned and de-Christmased, and life is returning to normal. During the holidays I cozily thought about leaving up the tree and decorations until January 6, the actual Twelfth Day of Christmas. Not to be a … [Continue reading]

Boyhouse Year In Review 2023

Happy New Year's Eve, friends! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday season. We have the most wonderful houseguests - our dear, dear friends from Calgary - who arrived Thursday and are staying to ring in the New Year with us tonight. I can't tell … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Winter Solstice Edition

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! How are we all doing, on the darkest day of the year? I will celebrate by walking in the dark this morning as Rex has a grooming appointment at 8. A clean and fluffy Rex will be a highlight of this dark day; will I be … [Continue reading]

Poetry In Motion

If I were a Mary Oliver or a Maya-type person, I would be sitting at my desk, crafting a moving poem about the beauty in the mundane everyday, about the ordinary suddenly becoming extraordinary, after a little tiny bird, a chickadee, flew right in … [Continue reading]

Five For Friday: The Charlie Brown Deep Dive Edition

I've been noticing this little tree on my morning walks, and it reminds me of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. I feel like it would tip over with the addition of a little red ball, and although I dislike 90% of the actual television program, I really … [Continue reading]

All Of The Lights

Out of respect for accuracy and to the scientific community in general, and to my friend Chris (HI CHRIS) in particular, I will not say the days are so short right now. A day is always twenty-four hours, whether we are in December or June; however, I … [Continue reading]

Five For Friday: The 2023 Five-Star Edition

As we are speeding through the last month of 2023, I wanted to talk about some of the five-star things that have been absolute gifts this year, for body, mind, and soul. I do not consider myself a book snob at all, although my husband thinks that … [Continue reading]