Dinner Every Damn Day

I have mentioned at length how much I cook; until we went to Mexico, I had cooked dinner every single night from October through January. We rarely eat out, and although everyone in the house CAN cook, and when it comes to other meals they DO cook, … [Continue reading]

People Who Watch People

The world is such an interesting place, isn't it? It's wild that a person can go from this: To this, in only a matter of hours. It has been very grey and foggy this week, but it's so mild and windless that I don't mind it at all. Our … [Continue reading]

January 2023 Vacation Books, and Bookends

In case it hasn't been made clear yet, one of the great pleasures of my life is reading. I'm not even sure I would call it a pleasure, now that I think about it; it's more of just an incredibly important part of my day. It's the first R in REM Y REM, … [Continue reading]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Fancy Was My Name Edition

A few weeks ago, we were having dinner and Fancy came on, via the Nicole's Karaoke playlist, which sparked a discussion with regards to the mother-daughter relationship between Fancy and her mother. Well, she basically prostituted her daughter, I … [Continue reading]

Five For Friday: The Five W’s Of Rest Edition

When (Is It Beddy-Bye Time). Years ago I came across a rather treacle-y poem called The Last Time, which talked about the many "lasts" in parenting, the upshot of which is enjoy it all because one day they won't hold your hand to cross the street, … [Continue reading]

Doctor Teeth and the Winter Mayhem

We received a little blast of winter this past week: a couple of inches of snow, followed a few days later by some cold days, and by "cold," I mean the low minus 20s. Friends, experiencing forty-eight years of Canadian prairie winters has prepared me … [Continue reading]

Live Your Life With Arms Wide Open

I became a little bit obsessed with Hamilton in the summer of 2020. What can I say? It's a pretty catchy soundtrack, and I had some time on my hands. The lyrics Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now became my mantra. Merely … [Continue reading]