The Ship Is Not Sinking

Yesterday my yoga friend mentioned this quote in one of her classes: Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; they sink because of the water that gets in them. This felt to me like the most profound and apt metaphor for life. This is my new mantra, replacing In The Depth of Winter […]


Happy New Year! I was in a class yesterday and the teacher was talking about numerology, something I know very little about, and of which I’m slightly wary. 2016 was a 9 (2+1+6=9) and life goes, apparently, in nine-year cycles; the end of a cycle can be tumultuous and full of grief, endings, and closing doors. […]

People are people

A cold snap has hit the city and it’s hit me especially hard since I just got back from a week in Florida on Sunday night. The past day and a half have been an absolute blur of writing, working, yoga teaching, housecleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry. Dear lord, so much laundry. A week in […]

More magical journeys

Strange things are happening in the neighbourhood. There was a Home Depot cart in my back alley. It’s not uncommon to see carts from Walmart and Co-Op, both of which are within walking distance, but the nearest Home Depot is at least five kilometers away. Did someone take a cart and walk all the way […]

Book Review: Do Your OM Thing

You guys, I’m participating in a book tour! I received an email a while ago gauging my interest in receiving a book for review – the book in question being Do Your OM Thing by Rebecca Pacheco. Usually the emails I receive are pitches to try out a new kind of toilet paper and write […]

A slight blip in my magical journey

“Things seem a lot busier with your yoga teacher training.” My husband said this to me over the weekend and it feels like A Massive Understatement. Saturday morning I got up early to bake a cake, then showered, bought groceries, took the kids to karate, and came home to frost and assemble the cake prior to heading […]

Online Friends: They’re Real and They’re Spectacular

Thank you all for your very kind words, and for sending thoughts and prayers to Alison’s family. I was reflecting this weekend on the nature of online friendship, and how such friends are real – and spectacular! – and how wonderful it is to be part of a community that is not limited by geography. […]