Cold, Cold, Cold, Warmer, HOT

Cold As Ice We are in the midst of a cold snap around here, but I use that term very loosely. It’s more “cold” than COLD, or even Cold, but still, it’s the most winter we’ve had all year. I took the opportunity to look out my snow pants and heated mittens, and I’m winning […]

Five For Friday: The Good, Bad, and Unspeakable Edition

ONE. One of the greatest pleasures in the world is good food, and Elisabeth (HI ELISABETH) asked what was the single best meal you had in 2024? I mean, I went to Italy for three weeks. I had so many good meals! Plus, my garden was so prolific this year that I was able to […]

Six Wildly Random, Semi-Related Things

Gnot Cool. I enjoy the podcast Decoder Ring, and this past week they had an episode about The History of Lawn Ornaments, and the first half of it was about garden gnomes. I am here for this content! Earlier, CCR (HI CCR) sent me this article about a group IN KELOWNA called the Gnome Restoration […]

Feel The Heat

It’s Getting Hot In Herrre We are having day after day of hot, sunny weather, and I am here for it; this is what I have always dreamed of experiencing in the summer. I love it. When it comes to outdoor activity, it is a little toasty, and so morning routines around here have been […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Leap Year Edition

Happy Leap Year, everyone! Our last Leap Year was in 2020, and thinking about it now, how strange that time was, having an extra day just ahead of being locked down and going through a global pandemic. When I look at my blog from February 2020, it is all very cheerful and clearly I had […]

Thirst Traps and Letting Go; Eighty-Eight Weeks In

These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty I love listening to podcasts while doing menial household drudgery or slowly walking Barkley around the neighbourhood; it makes me actually look forward to doing dull things like folding the laundry or other mind-numbing tasks. I feel like I learn new things every day; I discovered the “We Didn’t […]

You’ve Got Questions, I’ve Got Answers

Last week, I asked you to ask me questions, and ask you did! Thank you so much – this was really fun! Here we go! Books and Reading Ally asked: My question is: given your druthers, which book genre is your favorite? And why? I will put this question together with one of Suzanne’s, which […]