My son was telling me about a throwback party he attended at the university bar; the throwback era, he said was mostly between 2012 and 2014. I was momentarily stunned into silence, and then had him list off a few of the songs that they had played: a lot of Pitbull and the Black-Eyed Peas, […]
Still Spooky Season
Harry: Look, when the shit comes down, I’m going to be ready for it. That’s all I’m saying! Sally: Well, in the meantime you’re going to ruin the rest of your life thinking about it. Sally and Harry were discussing death, but I think these viewpoints can be utilized more generally, or, at the very […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Oooh, It’s October Edition
At the risk of sounding like an incredibly demented Little Miss Sunshine, I do not have a Least Favourite Month. I don’t have a Most Favourite Month either; I love April because it’s my birthday, and December because of Christmas, I love July and August because of the heat and summery vibes and I love […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Wake Me Up When September…Wait, September Is Ending Edition
What a month September has been; oddly enough, it simultaneously feels like it flew by, and that it was three months long. We packed so much in, and now my already tenuous sense of time is completely warped. Everything already feels like it happened so long ago. Was it only three and a half weeks […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Goodbye, Calgary Edition
Anyone who lived in Calgary in the 1980s will remember, probably with no little nostalgia, the Hello Calgary promotional video on Channel 2&7, back when there were only about thirteen channels. To this day I could sing the lyrics at any given time: Makes no difference where I go, you’re the best hometown I know. […]
Social Butterfly and Boxes, Boxes, Boxes
Nothing motivates a person so much as having a firm deadline, am I right? The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of cleaning and decluttering, donating and packing, and squeezing in as many social visits as I possibly can. And speaking of motivation, nothing lights a fire with regards to actually scheduling social […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Summer Solstice Edition
If my life lately was a cartoon, it would be illustrated with one of those daily calendars, and the pages would be flipping through in fast-motion, flying off into the wind. Time seems to move quickly the older we get, but this past month has been absolutely insane. Not only are we moving next month, […]