Dented Self-Esteem; Fifty-Nine Weeks In

That’s A Dent To The Self-Esteem I was asked if I wanted the seniors’ discount last week at Shoppers, so perhaps my skin-care routine isn’t working the way I had hoped. The worst part is that I didn’t even get the discount. After the woman said “Are we doing the seniors’ discount today?” in the […]

A Year of Wonders; Fifty-Two Weeks In

I am absolutely a person who thrives on routine and ritual, and exactly one year ago my daily routines and rituals, like everyone else’s, were disrupted and destroyed. After a few weeks of muddling about, I created new routines and rituals that I have kept to this day. I wake very early in the morning, […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Hearts and Chocolate Edition

Valentine’s Day is NOT a huge thing in our house. Actually, it’s not really a thing at all. I don’t think my husband and I have ever really marked the day in a romantic way, with the exception of me telling him I choo-choo-choose him and will he BEE my Valentine, complete with buzzing noises. […]

Goals and Gratitude; Forty-Two Weeks In

Happy New Year! New Year’s is a funny thing; yes, we said goodbye to 2020, but the world did not change because the calendar did. I mean, we are still in a global pandemic and will be for a while yet. Nothing really changes on January 1, no matter how glad we are to kick […]

Boyhouse Year In Review 2020

WELL! I don’t think any of us could have possibly predicted the year that we just had, in any capacity. I would like to think that we will never take things for granted again: our health, our ability to travel, our friendships and family, but human nature being what it is, there will come a […]

No Need To Dream, It’s A White Christmas; Forty-One Weeks In

Well, hello! I hope you are having a happy holiday season. I am at the very lovely point where I have consumed so many Christmas treats that I don’t actually want to eat any more Christmas treats. It’s nice to have that Completely Satisfied feeling, however: If anyone is wondering where all the chocolate is, […]

Festively Locked Down; Thirty-Nine Weeks In

What Even Day Is It Here we are, the last week of school (or, “school”) before the holidays, and I am feeling that old familiar what even day is it feeling. When I wake up in the morning, I rarely think in terms of Monday-Friday; instead, I categorize the day by what class I’m teaching […]