Every few weeks for the past couple of months, my husband has been travelling to check on the progress of the enormous renovation of our vacation home, and to meet with all the various contractors and so forth. Last week the boys had two days off of school, and so my older son accompanied him […]
Festivities Shift; Eighty-Five Weeks In
Hello November!! It was a brisk, wintry start to the weekend, so I wasn’t sure if we would even get any Trick-or-Treaters, but we ended up with an all-time high of 43, smashing our earlier record of 25. Maybe it was the decorations! We do have some candy left over, which some of us are […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Spooky Season Edition
OH MY GOD YOU GUYS. LOOK AT THE GRUESOME SCENE THAT WE DISCOVERED ON OUR FRONT STEP LAST NIGHT. I guess the mystery of the missing gourds is solved – it’s a case of cannibalism! I don’t know WHO is responsible for this carnage, but a) I love it and b) I have my suspicions! […]
Dreams, Jeans, Go(u)rds, Thanksgiving; Eighty-Two Weeks In
Thanks and Giving Thank you to everyone who reached out with kind words last week. It does make things lighter to know that we aren’t alone. Today is Thanksgiving, for those of you not in Canada, and it is the first Thanksgiving in many years that we are not visiting my mother-in-law, which feels strange. […]
I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot; Fifty-Eight Weeks In
Thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes; it was a beautiful day. It was the rarest of Calgary spring days: warm and sunny, and without the gusting winds that often accompany warmer temperatures. I filled the day with all my favourite things, and had two slices of cake, and all is wonderful. Along with […]
A Very Eventful Week; Fifty-Four Weeks In
It has been a Very Eventful Week in the Boyhouse! First of all, it was our wedding anniversary. Just look at this fresh-faced young thing: Fast forward nineteen years to the day and that fresh-faced young thing was asking her handsome groom to please look at the varicose veins on the back of her calf […]
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Hearts and Chocolate Edition
Valentine’s Day is NOT a huge thing in our house. Actually, it’s not really a thing at all. I don’t think my husband and I have ever really marked the day in a romantic way, with the exception of me telling him I choo-choo-choose him and will he BEE my Valentine, complete with buzzing noises. […]